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A Petition

Created 11th February 2014 @ 17:56

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Quoted from lewis]

Bullying and singling out Joe with this petition




Toba: http://etf2l.org/forum/general/topic-28088/page-1/#post-486027
Toba: LOL
pink guy: saw
pink guy: who the fuck
pink guy: is joenufc


^bad player






He’s just too good. Should be banned from TF2 altogether.



Joe stop asking for attention!



Last edited by Pie,



Quoted from Candle

16:36 – Phantom (2): We made another team kick 2 plat players from their roster.
16:36 – Phantom (2): The same is going to happen to you if you won’t sort this things out by yourself, sooner or later.


He’s a time travelling sad gamer.



Quoted from Toba



don’t think it had quite the same effect dear



First of all. We have scrimmed you so many times, I have also merced for you guys more than once. So no, it’s not like I just realized you are good. I thought you had a good chance of winning this season. But seeing how you recruit a platinum player seconds before the season starts, made me realize that you might not be the nice guys I thought you were. Anyway, I am gonna stay out of this thread. But please mr Lewis (and other people hating on me) get your facts straight.
Quoted from lewis]

Transistor made the post http://steamcommunity.com/id/callmetransistor/

I believe that we beat them in a scrim, we also have the same wins at the moment, this likely caused them to realise there is a possibility that they might play us next game so they got all edgy about it…


(ETF2L Donator)

is this supposed to be funny?


Quoted from Pie

85% of plat community are douchebags who treat you like sh*t.I once headshoted Lazybear and he is like finnaly you killed me you suck etc :D.But there are alot of cool and polite guys like candle and korv.I mean how bad could you be to drop from plat to steel srsly :D

i wish i have skillz to hs lazybear :/



This thread is funnier than Vinny’s, Juju’s, Spade’s old rec post and Taylor Swift’s rec posts combined.

Last edited by Max,



Quoted from sidestep

is this supposed to be funny?

this is highlander, just enjoy the stupidity.



Quoted from Transistor

But seeing how you recruit a platinum player seconds before the season starts, made me realize that you might not be the nice guys I thought you were.

Joe joined our team on the 2nd of January, almost 3 weeks before the season started
Why does playing with our friend Joe suddenly change your opinion on all of us?

But please mr Lewis (and other people hating on me) get your facts straight

I think you need to get your facts straight

17:39 – Transistor |TW| ❤: But this has nothing to do about that, it has to do with the fact that you have a main platinum heavy, main calling, in steel lol
17:39 – lewis]: Ok then
17:39 – lewis]: I can see your facts are wrong
17:39 – lewis]: asa is our maincaller
17:39 – lewis]: Joe never played plat heavy
17:39 – Transistor |TW| ❤: right
17:39 – Transistor |TW| ❤: riiiight
17:39 – Transistor |TW| ❤: also, he never played platinum right?
17:39 – Transistor |TW| ❤: he is iron, or lower, right?

I’ve always maincalled for this team, long before Joe joined
Joe isn’t a main heavy, he played it for one season. I played Heavy last season, doesn’t make it my main.

I think you should have done some research and made sure you know what you’re talking about before starting this drama, also please stop harassing my team. All this petition has achieved is singling out and bullying Joe. If you have a complaint about our roster please talk to the UGC admins as opposed to trying to start a flamewar.

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