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VAC and dotakeys

Created 8th April 2009 @ 17:49

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I’m *just* erring on the side of safety here, but I thought it’d be an idea to see if anyone more knowledgable than me can confirm.

I sometimes leave a program named dotakeys (http://dotakeys.3.forumer.com/index.php?showtopic=3) running while playing tf2. It basically remaps keys on your keyboard depending on a string of characters you have given it from inside wc3. I *believe* for it to get this string out of warcraft it has to hook into the wc3 memory or something (I don’t really know how these things work). So basically what I’m asking is: if I accidentally leave this running while playing tf2 is it gonna mess with the tf2 memory and make it look like I’m hacking, thusly getting me a VAC ban?



well if it does it from the wc3 memory, then actually it should be smart enough to notice that hl2.exe =/= wc3.exe.


I don’t actually know what it is, but does it affect the keys on your keyboard for TF2?
if not your safe, because it isn’t tampering with your core files


lol don’t worry dude……it wont



“but does it affect the keys on your keyboard for TF2?”
that. And even then, it might still do it on windows-side, doesnt need to mess with the game memory then.


thats a program that creates a TEXT file in the wc3 folder with the new binds (I am using it) no way u will get vacced…..



Just a tool to configure custom keys for wc3 -.- (which are placed in a text file, right)



Nope, it definately does something outside of wc3. Which is why I’m worried. The keys ARE remapped in tf2.

Trying to have a conversation with it on is usually pretty entertaining:
23:10 seraph> hmva autwgfbrc!
23:10 seraph> have fun!
23:10 abunai`> lol seraph the fuck
23:11 seraph> dota keys


yes and maybe wc3 was running on background?


Well, the program is working everywhere, not only in WC3?

If it even work on desktop, then it has nothing to do with the game.



ok coool :) thanks for putting my mind at ease :>



This is clearly a cunning ruse, and a future excuse, for when seraph is inevitably found to be hacking.



I have never had any problem with writing in win when warkeys is on, gotta be smth wierd @ u.



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