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My mouse is lagging

Created 7th January 2014 @ 17:17

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hey community,

i have a huge problem and from what i saw in some deathcam spec cams or in-game chats, i know that im not the only one.
Since a few months my mouse is making laggs at some points. im gonna make an example with strokes.
usually when i move my mouse on my “razer goliath” mousepad from left to right it goes smoothly like this:


but sometimes it gets interrupted. something similar like this:

_______ _____ __________

that means:
actually i move my mouse to strafe around while rocket jumping or tracking shit as heavy but then the __________ (<- imagine this like pulling your mouse from left to right smoothly with no interrupts) gets somehow interrupted by a missing "_" (______ ______ ___)

its very hard to explain as i am not a native english speaker but im sure if players are outthere with the same problem they will know what i mean.

also what i would like to mention is: it only happens sometimes. like when i play for 2 hours straight it happens every 10 minutes or so and even sometimes it goes like this for 20 mins straight (a whole tf2center or tf2lobby session) . i cant play like this and maybe someone can give me and maybe others what i should change to stop this.

thanks for your time reading this and have a good day!
also sorry for grammar mistakes and such.


(ETF2L Donator)

I had the same problem with my old mouse, don’t remember what the name was, but uninstalling the custom driver fixed it

Spike Himself


This could be caused by many things..
– Dirty sensor (check for hairs!)
– Dirty mousepad
– Broken cable
– Broken USB port (try a different one)
– Broken USB drivers (find the cd that came with your motherboard)
– Broken mouse drivers (try reinstalling them, or not using them at all)
– Incorrect driver settings (make sure to turn off settings like “this device can be turned off to save power” in windows’ device manager – you may have to do that for your mouse as well as any usb hubs that parent it)


Quoted from Spike Himself

This could be caused by many things..
– Dirty sensor (check for hairs!)
– Dirty mousepad
– Broken cable
– Broken USB port (try a different one)
– Broken USB drivers (find the cd that came with your motherboard)
– Broken mouse drivers (try reinstalling them, or not using them at all)
– Incorrect driver settings (make sure to turn off settings like “this device can be turned off to save power” in windows’ device manager – you may have to do that for your mouse as well as any usb hubs that parent it)

dirty sensor – checked, no dirt, no hairs all clean
dirty pad – cleaning it by holding it up and shaking it to get rid of everything lieing on it every hour.
borken cable – cant be. used two mouses since now (one new, one middle old one and now using my new razer deathadder gifted by a mate) and it happened eventhough when i changed them.
broken usb port – changed it, will wait for the results of my gaming experience in game
broken USB driver – thanks for the advice, will check it when i have full focus on getting rid of this laggin stuff.
broken mouse drivers – dont have a disc, received only the mouse :/
incorrect driver settings – i’m not a PC pro so i dont really know what you mean. will ask a mate though.

thanks again for your great tips. i will keep them in mind!

Last edited by nevier,


(Weeaboo Nerd)
(XD ͜ʖXD)

Had the same problem 4 months ago. Checked everything and at the end, A tiny tiny tiny bit of my usb was broken. This was the problem. I dont even know how this happend.

Kauf dir eine neue maus. :D


schnauze. hab schon dreimal geändert und mich grad an die neue gewöhnt lol



Do you pick up your mouse while you do “track heavy shit”? It does not have to be a lot. I had this in the beginning with my old mouse as well, was used to a mouse that still tracked a bit when I lifted it up and the new mouse didn’t do that, even when it was just a tiny bit off the mousepad.

If it just started randomly without problems before, or started when you got a new mouse this probably is not the case though.


had that on a g400 – uninstalling the drivers as said fixed the issue.


(Weeaboo Nerd)
(XD ͜ʖXD)

Quoted from nevier

schnauze. hab schon dreimal geändert und mich grad an die neue gewöhnt lol

Alienware TactX löst deine Probleme 8). Lebensdauer von 3 Jahren bei mir.

Last edited by Bloodyyy,


i had the same problem, got rid of dust inside of a fans and lag/freezing disappeared, because my shit stopped overheating

Worst solution is to switch to dxlevel 81, heard that dxlevel 90 may cause mouse lag

Last edited by Popcorp,


okay a little update maybe for other people with the same problem.
so the reason why i had these weird laggs were caused by my mainboard being a bit broken.
i used to play with a 1,44 sens and a few days ago i switched to 0.93 and since i’ve done that, the laggs are pretty much gone. at least i dont have any more major problems. sometimes it still does these weird laggs but not as horrible as when i played with a 1,44 sens. got used to the new sens pretty quick and im just happy that this is over now.
okay so thanks again for everybody who tried to help me.
someone can close this thread now :)



How do you connect “mainboard” with “changing sens”?



I had a similiar problem and it turned out to be a hair wedged into the sensor. I got a really thin needle and poked it out of there and it worked fine. Just be careful not to scratch the sensor :P


(XD ͜ʖXD)

Quoted from ash

How do you connect “mainboard” with “changing sens”?

mainboard should have been the little problem that caused my mouse lagg with a very high sens. after i changed the sens to 0.93 the lagg is not 100% gone but i can at least play the game


for me lowering the polling rate helped

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