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Competitive server lag

Created 27th December 2013 @ 14:49

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I blame this
Quoted from

04.11.2013 –

Added tv_relayvoice 0
Added host_framerate 0
Added mp_friendlyfire 0
Added sv_allowupload 0
Changed sv_mincmdrate to 66
Changed sv_minrate to 20000
Changed sv_minupdaterate to 66
Added etf2l_custom.cfg
Renamed config packs

Ever since warping around like motherfucker.



Quoted from Spike Himself

i know you changed your entire pc so its not likely to be a hardware issue, but check for driver updates anyway – is there anything in your device manager that says it isnt installed properly? is there anything in your current pc that you also had in your old pc?

you say you got a new internet connection so it cant be related to that, but did you also get a new router or have anything else in your network setup that hasn’t changed? perhaps an old hub or switch? wired or wireless? tried both?

have you tried deleting all your configs (and hud + other addons) and playing with 100% vanilla settings? (remember to turn off steam cloud sync before you delete your configs, otherwise steam will just download your settings again) (also don’t forget to make a backup of your configs if they have any value to you)

Well im not to fammiliar with all of the router and hardware issues, tbh im not to fammiliar with computer related stuff so i’m wondering if you could add me on steam or atlest guide me on how to check these things out.


Quoted from Limp.

I blame this

Ever since warping around like motherfucker.

did you used to play with 40/s rates? because thats the only thing that actually changed and could make you warp



Quoted from AnimaL

[…]did you used to play with 40/s rates? because thats the only thing that actually changed and could make you warp



Quoted from Limp.



impossible because the old config was 40/s minimum, but yeah.. i dont get why too :/



Quoted from AnimaL

[…]impossible because the old config was 40/s minimum, but yeah.. i dont get why too :/

rely? maybe it was 40 then, dunno but pretty much lowest I could go anyway


Quoted from Limp.

[…] rely? maybe it was 40 then, dunno but pretty much lowest I could go anyway

What is your rate set to? It could help if you take a screenshot of net_graph 4 when you have these issues I guess.



Well i tryed redownloading tf2 with steam cloud off, but for some reason all of the previous add-ons and other files are in the re-downloaded team fortress 2 folder. Any ideas on how to COMPLETLEY redownload tf2 with no previous add-ons?

Spike Himself


Quoted from taube


Well im not to fammiliar with all of the router and hardware issues, tbh im not to fammiliar with computer related stuff so i’m wondering if you could add me on steam or atlest guide me on how to check these things out.

Most of that stuff you can just google. Except for your network stuff; that is physically in your house so all you can do is look at the hardware and say “yes, i had this 2 years ago already” or “no, this is new and came with the new internet”.

but feel free to add me if you must

Quoted from taube

Well i tryed redownloading tf2 with steam cloud off, but for some reason all of the previous add-ons and other files are in the re-downloaded team fortress 2 folder. Any ideas on how to COMPLETLEY redownload tf2 with no previous add-ons?

Using steam to uninstall a game does leave your own files in tact. You have to browse to the folder and delete everything yourself.




My bets are on shitternet.



Quoted from Setsul


My bets are on shitternet.

If you read the entire topic, you would figure out that the internet is not the issue here



Problems fixed, played a pug without a lag spike whatsoever.

The problems were some add-on files from what im guessing are server plugins, so after completley deleting tf2 off of my computer and disabeling steam cloud, and re-installing tf2, no lag whatsoever happened. Thanks to everyone who gave me a suggestion on what to do!



~ X – PQ

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