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I need a demoman tutor, I'm bad at this game

Created 26th December 2013 @ 23:28

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So I’m in a div 2/3 team as demo, and I’m capable of high div 3 level of playing. However, when it comes to div 2 I feel out of my depth and would really appreciate some help.

I am looking for a div 1/prem demo to give me some demoman, and team advice. You’ll need to be ok with taking time out to go over demo’s and maybe maps if necessary. If the prospect of handing down your knowledge to the next generation of demos interests you, add me on steam!








just switch your brain off :D


Quoted from bìester

just switch your brain off :D

If that’s a jab at demo being easy then you play soldier lol, doesn’t get any easier than that plus demo is objectively the hardest class.


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from bìester

just switch your brain off :D

classic biester move lol

also you should add brego for mentoring and reviewing demo’s



Quoted from hr

If that’s a jab at demo being easy then you play soldier lol, doesn’t get any easier than that plus demo is objectively the hardest class.

quote from pognon.



Quoted from hr

If that’s a jab at demo being easy then you play soldier lol, doesn’t get any easier than that plus demo is objectively the hardest class.

dude, he’s a demo main lol


Quoted from hr

If that’s a jab at demo being easy then you play soldier lol, doesn’t get any easier than that plus demo is objectively the hardest class.

so spamming stickies is hard? :D

Last edited by bìester,


Quoted from bìester

so spamming stickies is hard? :D

Have you heard about the famous expression “shoot feet, get kill” ?

Keep it on topic guys, he is looking for a mentor, not discussing which class is easier.

Good demo btw; if he is thirsty for knowledge help him out.



Imma let you finish but scout is the easiest class of all time.


Quoted from Kitanamonk

So I’m in a div 2/3 team as demo, and I’m capable of high div 3 level of playing. However, when it comes to div 2 I feel out of my depth and would really appreciate some help.

I am looking for a div 1/prem demo to give me some demoman, and team advice. You’ll need to be ok with taking time out to go over demo’s and maybe maps if necessary. If the prospect of handing down your knowledge to the next generation of demos interests you, add me on steam!


you were in vier red man :D vier red demos dont need help!
add me if you think i am good enough :p probably i got some time :)

and i am sorry if i hurt anybody by saying demo is easy :D

Last edited by bìester,



yes biester demo is ez when u have 5k hrs of tf2 :)))))))))))))))))


Quoted from TWEEKARN\

yes biester demo is ez when u are named biester :)))))))))))))))))

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