Why does noone go on ??
Created 17th December 2013 @ 15:33
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I know some say that IRC is complicated and people use pickup but surely theres a large amount of people who know how to use IRC, I mean its not exactly that hard yet I never see anyone on, signing up for mixes on it.
– I wrote too fast, read the explanation below –
Last edited by Lithium,
Because TF2pickup (and TF2lobby and TF2center, and maybe some other one I forgot about) exist.
Why do people go on about this when its been talked about in detail before?
Last edited by Mast,
The IRC channel has much better players than on Lobby/Center, plus there’s no dub bugs or 11 times the same map open :k
Go there, pls.
Quoted from Spycy
The IRC channel has much better players than on Lobby/Center, plus there’s no dub bugs or 11 times the same map open :k
Go there, pls.
Well, i really like all the idea of IRC channels because the player itself needs to have оptions between IRC, web-based pickups, lobbies etc. But the biggest problem is that most of the people are lazy… They just want to play, and if they can play – get in a team, join mumble and server – with less clicks its much better for them. Also complicated systems/interfaces are hard for understading for the new players in competitive. So maybe thats the reason why its so empty… :9
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