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TF2 crash when playing a demo recorded by me

Created 12th December 2013 @ 14:24

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Doesn’t matter if I use P-REC or record manually, whenever I try to play the demo It crashed my TF2. I’ve reinstalled the game, tried mat_queue_mode 0, turning off multicore rendering and verified game cache. Any ideas?


Try turning closed captions and subtitles off, custom closed captions which comes with many hud were causing crashes for me.


Worked for me, thanks!



demos crash for me when i try to go forward in ticks, any tips on how to fix?



Quoted from Tuto

demos crash for me when i try to go forward in ticks, any tips on how to fix?

Turn off multicore rendering – I think the command for this is mat_queue_mode -2.



Quoted from Cuttlefish


Turn off multicore rendering – I think the command for this is mat_queue_mode -2.

iirc the correct value is 0. mat_queue_mode 0



When the last mvm big update came around lawena started to crash my POV demos, but not STV’s. When I used my regular config (the one I use to play but not to record) everything went smooth, but ofc I didn’t want to record with those graphics.

I changed HUD, mat_queu_mode and a lot of stuff but nothing worked, so I gave it a go at almie recording tool and everything went fine;

Then my game dropped to 40-50 fps, wich i can’t bare, so I deleted my windows partition (I own a mac w/bootcamp to play games) and re-instaled everything, now I play with more fps then ever and lawena works fine.

Lesson to learn: If anything starts working bad, just wipe the entire system and re-install xD



Thanks it worked. I knew about this before, but when i turned off multicore rendering, my game always turned into dx8, but now it’s fixed it seems like :)

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