ETF2L “Grand” Finals
Created 11th December 2013 @ 15:32
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[18:29] its only one side of the medal though
[18:29] For the record: I completely understand how much it fucking sucks.
(same guy as the mysterious mr XXXXXX)
Last edited by smziii,
Quoted from Oxy
Yes. Poor administration was to blame. Obviously they were suppose to guess that you couldn’t play friday from that.
I too like to play video game official matches on fridays & saturdays.
What’s written on the match page was written after a lot of discussion with numlocked, + 3 admins in private. Match page comments are historically tactical statements used to coerce the default date in your favour that have significant context that isn’t made apparent in public. In this case, we knew epsi would be favoured for the default date decision so friday and saturday were the lesser of two evils, but still completley unacceptable for me under any normal circumstances.
As for the aids admin in bytes quote, probably buffalobill knowing his complete inadequacy: How is it an assumption to look at the schedule written in stone on the season hub page and expect that it will be adhered to in any way? Furthermore I spoke to numlocked about scheduling the final as soon as the semi-final finished, and then two different admins as soon as it became apparent there was no compromise available (all before the match page was even created), and another one afterwards when it took over 2 days to get the default date set. Maybe if you spent less time spewing your malformed opinions to your admin circle jerk you might actually accomplish something positive for this league.
Also sideshow:
Efforts to schedule started approximately 20 minutes after the semi-final was concluded (late because the admins permitted tse to use that sunday with no regard for the final). Epsi didn’t get a merc on monday or tuesday because the admins made it very clear they were in favour for the default date decision. Even though this was definitely the best solution from a neutral perspective, why would epsi agree to that when they don’t have to? Also, I think most people think less of the admin team for this because of the ban threats rather than scheduling mismanagement (even if that was really poor as well). At least, that’s the case for me and my team.
Last edited by kaidus,
For starters if you couldn’t play friday and saturday then you should have said that on the match page. I can see why you’d ignore them because they’re not normal play days but if they’re the only days that (from the match page) seem available then they’re gonna be the default dates, and you have to anticipate that.
You’re saying you told the admins that you could only field 2/3 players on the default date and the admins said they’d rather you did that than ask epsi to get a merc for monday/tuesday/wednesday? And you spoke to epsilon and told them you couldn’t play the default date at all and would have to forfeit and they were ok with that and didn’t offer to get a merc for mon/tues/wed?
Just talked with sam too and I didn’t realise from reading the threads that you were only forfeiting because you couldn’t get 3 players on the default date and the admin would not change the date. From what sam said, the admin understood (late yesterday) that you would not be able to play on friday and still insisted you played then rather than tonight and ask epsilon to find a roamer merc. That’s retarded and I leave it to the admin team to explain what the fuck was going on in his head there, but it’s still on you to realise that your dates that you could both play were incompatible and not leave it to a default date and the admins to negotiate a date between you.
This whole thing should have gone -> epsi: we can’t play before thursday because mike has work then gear is away -> wwcf: oh we can’t play at all after thursday because kaidus is away and salt does sports and zebbo something something, we literally can’t play and will have to forfeit -> epsi: oh well I guess we’ll have to play with a merc, I’ll get on to that
The admins threatening to ban you as I’ve said is motivation for you to get this match arranged and as I understand it applied equally to epsilon too, and it worked since you managed to field a team for friday. I guess it fucked up some people’s weekends which sucks balls but after you let mon/tue/wed opportunities fly away then you’d put yourself in a corner.
Quoted from Sideshow
The admins threatening to ban you = motivation for you to get this match arranged
Quoted from Sideshow
For starters if you couldn’t play friday and saturday then you should have said that on the match page. I can see why you’d ignore them because they’re not normal play days but if they’re the only days that (from the match page) seem available then they’re gonna be the default dates, and you have to anticipate that.
Perhaps I’m not making myself clear, or perhaps you just are misunderstanding I’m not sure. Either way you have to understand that the comments on the match page are less than a percent of interactions between myself, numlocked and the admins. Numlocked and I instantaneously concluded there was no suitable date, the admins response was “well i have no idea”. The default date was actually initially set at sunday 21.15 when they were under the impression mon, tues, weds was the only day we could play, but we convinced them to change it to friday so we at least had a shot in hell at showing up.
Epsi definitely SHOULD have done that, but since the admins made it clear that the default date would be either thursday or sunday, they didn’t feel the need to. I think this is the part you might have missed up to now – epsi had no reason to compromise because they were getting the favourable default date. On top of this, the default date wasn’t even set till 2/3 of our available days were gone. We were powerless in this entire situation from start to finish, through no fault of our own.
Also it definitely didn’t work. The match will be fucking cancer because our medic will be on a shit laptop, I will be on a completely new setup that I’ve never seen before and it will be an awful 5-0 5-0 shitshow that will do far more harm to tf2 than a forfeit would have. A forfeit would have slipped by unnoticed by anyone but involved community members, whereas now you have a handful of potential new viewers that will get a disgraceful first impression.
Last edited by kaidus,
Quoted from Mak
No.. that’s mr XXXXXL
lol :)
Whole thing is another case of default dates screwing one team over because neither team can find a day they’re both available on. Best date according to available information possible is picked as teams cannot compromise, one team gets screwed over, sadly for WWCF it is them.
Happens every week, teams typically wildcard these matches except obviously it cannot be done on this occasion.
There is certainly an element of Admin responsibility for the way the situation and default dates were handled but no more than the players who have to take some responsibility, yet again shortcomings of availability are solely being put on admin shoulders rather than at shouldering at LEAST SOME OF the responsibility of compromising.
I would love to see the roles reversed and just see some of these people be responsible for default dates for a season, it isn’t an easy task for sure, I can understand why WWCF feel so aggrieved but the level of blame being shifted on admin shoulders is totally unjustified. I do think the decision to originally default it to Sunday is the correct one, that is how it is typically done however Kaidus does have a point that the deadline was originally 14th, so there is inconsistency somewhere that contributed to the level of anger over this situation.
Point is there are so many sides and points of view to the discussion that for one party to be completely at fault is ridiculous. It’s just….unfortunate and unavoidable, either way one team would end up being screwed over due to the fact neither could play on eachothers day, turns out it was WWCF.
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