ETF2L “Grand” Finals
Created 11th December 2013 @ 15:32
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VanillaTF2 post
TeamfortressTV with more info/drama
I thought this couldn’t be more one sided.
But then ETF2L admins happened.
Quoted from Tomu
I thought this couldn’t be more one sided.
But then ETF2L admins happened.
I’m going to wait for a official answer.
As Canfo said in the TF.TV thread
I’d take everything from the OP with a pinch of salt. SonnyBlack just told me he did not threaten to ban anyone. Now, I do not know what was said but I’d wait for an official response from the ETF2L admins and keep the pitch forks locked in until then.
Also Sideshow:
Here’s how I see the situation.
The Grand Final is a foregone conclusion anyway, Epsilon are going to rape. The only reason to play it is for the spectators and for increased viewership for sponsorship awareness etc. and for the fact that it is the pinnacle of the season. Forfeiting the largest game of the season and thinking everyone should be ok with that is really dumb. Arx summarised this really well and I think forfeiting the game would actually be the most retarded decision.
However the timing of everything (through nobody’s fault) has meant that the game cannot be played until some time in the new year if both teams want to use their proper rosters. By that time, the next season will have been announced, the highlander playoffs will be in full swing, there will be pre-season games for the next season and the teams won’t have played for a long while. Epsilon weren’t even planning on staying together after new year, so who knows when that game would get played finally. Delaying it isn’t as simple as that.
If you want them to play before then, and not forfeit the biggest game of the season, then teams are gonna get fucked up. The TEAMS should have sorted this out and compromised, playing on a day when they each have 1 player missing (that would allow them to play any day they liked) because 1 merc is not going to make a fucking bit of difference in this game anyway.
Since they haven’t done that, the admins considering some kind of penalty for boycotting the largest game of the season seems perfectly reasonable to me. Obviously it was meant as motivation not to forfeit rather than punishment.
Yes this is a ballache for the teams but it makes a difference from everything being on the admins all the time. They sort out everything else because nobody can be bothered to schedule, and the workload that the higher-up admins do is vital to keeping this game alive. Nobody else is willing to do the job for free. ETF2L is a great league almost all of the time and the bashing in this thread is dumb.
Last edited by Toba,
Just play it at the start of January or get Mike to do his assignment at like 4 in the morning like all the other first year uni students.
But I’d rather see Willy wonka’s vs. Epsilon in the new year if it had to be. I read the thread and defaulting it is stupid etc but delaying it when people are normally away anyway is a much better decision.
Watching a team with 2 mercs, 1 possible afk vs 6 from epsi is not a game I’m too keen on watching. It won’t change the outcome but at least it would be the “real deal” than what etf2l is forcing.
Why doesn’t stuff like that suprise me anymore… Oh ye, it’s etf2l
When would they play it in the new year? I mean it’s a possibility but it would most likely fuck things up even further for the reasons above. Plus exams for uni students – if mike can’t organise a bit of coursework he’ll probably just lock himself in the library with no phone for exams :D
Why couldn’t Epsi get a pocket merc and play mon/tue or get a roamer merc and play tonight? And I don’t know why WWCF can’t play tomorrow but whoever they’re missing it’d most likely be better than 3 mercs on friday (not really sure of wwcf schedule since they didn’t write reasons anywhere except kaidus going to visit 2nuts).
Why is there this impression that ETF2L is a bad guy for trying to ensure the fucking Grand Final of their season which they work hard to provide structure and sponsors for is actually played?!
There seems to be this paradigm (and we totally did it too in decerto and I know tonnes of other do) of not scheduling anything and then blaming admins when things go wrong. It’s not their responsibility to act as negotiators and work out when you guys can play, that’s on you. And ordinarily if you fuck up, you get a default loss or get shafted with mercs but for really obvious reasons that’s stupid in this case.
Last edited by Sideshow,
Delaying it for weeks until everyone is available, only for Epsilon to win in 30 minutes, would be the silliest. Just play it, whatever. The match page makes it look like kaidus was fine with Friday so I wouldn’t be too harsh on the admins.
Why is Sideshow the only one coming up with a logical argument, this is crazy!
Last edited by Will,
Lol, people blaming the admins when shit goes wrong as normal. When are the top teams gonna grow up and stop having there hands held by admins throughout the entire season?
edit: just read this
“Kaidus: Tis in no way epsis fault. I don’t trust they gave 100% to make it happen on other days, but they had their reasons to not play other days same as we had ours. How we ended up here is down to really poor administration and nothing else.”
Only comment from kaidus on the match page said:
“Kaidus: Can’t play thurs and sun, rest is fine.”
Yes. Poor administration was to blame. Obviously they were suppose to guess that you couldn’t play friday from that.
Last edited by Oxy,
Sideshow for president… or something.
ye friday and saturday are pretty common matchdays anyways
and about the forfeiting thing according to etf2l rules we wouldnt have been allowed to ready up if we dont have atleast 3 players from mainroster + 2 mercs
and it wasnt sure ifwe could field enough players
eg only 2 players from roster -> not allowed to play
and thats the point when we would have to forfeit the game
Last edited by smziii,
Well said Sideshow :) Also found this amusing as it wasn’t me who said it in irc :D
[@XXXXXXX]: so basically as usual kaidus does fuck all scheduling
[@XXXXXXX]: plans his life around assumptions
[@XXXXXXX]: then bitches when things don’t go as he wants them to
Apologies to those in wonkas not having the chance to play it, who knows maybe ETF2L figure something out. Can’t disagree with Sideshows statement though.
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