ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Oldest new guy on the block

Created 9th December 2013 @ 23:50

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Hi folks,

Does anyone have some tips for someone new to TF2 leagues, specifically for getting in to an enjoyable team? I’ve listed on the recruit board but I can’t rate myself against other players to understand where I fall as the only players I’ve played against are on public servers which don’t always require a great deal of teamwork.

I’m experienced in FPS teams starting from Doom and Quake in the 90s where I played in division 1 teams but family life drew me away for a few years before I found my way back.

Any helpful suggestions appreciated, humorous trolls accepted too but keep it highbrow !



post recruitment post as div 6 player, its where you want to start considering you only dealt with public players

Best of luck


Hi frixx,

I’ve done that but is there anything more I can or should do? Or is it just a waiting game?


Its kind of a waiting game, but meawhile you could start practising in the varyous pickup sites etc.

If you need to learn more about the general gist of competitive tf2 I can also recommend visiting http://comp.tf/


Thanks Kaneco, what pickup sites are there? I’m pretty green to this but keen to put the effort in to get back to some competitive play.

Last edited by DanJ,


(Weeaboo Nerd)
(XD ͜ʖXD)

Try out “tf2center”. A pretty new site, you will need mumble for it. (Currently the site is on a beta test) You can play 6v6 or 9v9 “Highlander”. If you want to play without a mumble try tf2lobby.

Edit: For only 6v6 try tf2pickup.

Last edited by Bloodyyy,


Quoted from DanJ

what pickup sites are there?

Just like bloodeh said –

http://tf2pickup.net/ – tf2pickup [6v6]
http://tf2lobby.com/ – tf2lobby [6v6 and highlander], seems to be down at the moment though.
http://tf2center.com – tf2center [6v6 and highlander], like tf2lobby but better. Keep in mind it’s still in beta at the moment.
http://con-gaming.net/ – con-gaming pickup [6v6]

Read up on these to get an explanation of the difference between 6v6 and highlander if you don’t know already:

6v6: http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Standard_competitive_lineup

9v9/highlander: “wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Highlander_(Competitive)” EDIT: the “(Competitive)” part seems to fuck up the hyperlink so just copy paste the link.

Most importantly good luck on your quest into competitive TF2 and have fun!

Last edited by taro,

Spike Himself


If you want to speed up the recruitment process, get involved in mixes, add people to your friends list, make your own circle jerk. The more friends you have, the more friends you can impress, the more people will hear about you, the more teams will want to have you (or will not want to have you, that’s entirely up to you!)



you’re always welcome here http://steamcommunity.com/groups/mixeuhl



1. Join http://steamcommunity.com/groups/6v6newmix (if it’s not dead).
2. Carry your team in around 15-20 scrims
3. Get an offer from div 4
5. Did your team fold? –> Yes –> 6. Join a div 2 team.

–> No –> Finish a season and then do step 6.
7. Win div 2 and road to prem.

PD: Not trolling, it’s just that that has happened before.

Good luck mate, every new player is welcome here :)

Also DanJ, I am not sure if you are familiar that you can play 6v6 (where usual classes are Medic, Soldier, Scout, Demoman + other classes in specific situations), or 9v9 aka Highlander, where a team implements all 9 classes TF2 has to offer.

I suggest trying out both, but would recommend 9v9 because it’s more forgiving to new players and it gives you a little bit more room to take a breath and learn. Feel free to add me on Steam if you have any additional questions.

Good luck in your search.


The last two links Taro suggested are a good read, it should fill you up with basics of both 6v6 and 9v9.

Last edited by Reservoir Dog,



For actually learning 6v6 the American newbie mixes are by far the best. They happen at the weekend. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/na6v6newbiemix

And these mixes – http://steamcommunity.com/groups/nlpg – are the place to start in Europe.


Thats fantastic advice and thank you for the links. I’ll get adding people on steam when I get out of work.


Gl mate, it’s always cool to see DOOM and Quake players want to play TF2 competitively.

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