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Created 9th December 2013 @ 16:32

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Hey people, I would like to find some sponsors for my 6s team, if possible. We need a server to practice. We are an active div 6 team, currently looking for a demo. If anyone are willing to help a div 6 team, message me on steam, it will be appreciated.





The usual question arises: What can you offer to a possible sponsor? Why should they give YOU out of all teams stuff?

Also, if you wish to have your very own server and serveme.tf is not enough – gameservers arent that expensive, especially if you divide the costs by 6 and do NOT take the most expensive ones.



You are playing the wrong game, my friend. TF2 was never the game where you can ask for sponsorship and sponsors would jump at your neck saying ‘hey pick me!- No,me!’. Moreover, a sponsor doesn’t do its part for nothing, he wants publicity, he wants you to spread the word about it, word reflected on your season performance as a team, and honestly I just cannot see how can you do that as a DIV 6 team. As ash already suggested, try to raise money with your teammates for renting a server, best option you have at the moment.
Sorry I got so deep into it, but sponsoring is serious shit mate, and for this game real sponsors are only in prem, maybe div1, even there it started to lack of them.
You have another option, that being ‘sponsored’ by a community (nervous energy for example), by wearing the tag/avatars of the respective community you might be able to
receive a server. My post was more to show that if someone provides you with a server is not called sponsorship. More like a donation. Good luck.



People do not care about div6.



Quoted from Fresh'z

People do not care about div6.

Same goes for hl

Quoted from frixx


Same goes for hl

What’s that got to do with this


Anyways thank you guys. I just knew that some people did this before, so I thought I would ask. :p

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