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So I just watched the dreamhack vods.....

Created 3rd December 2013 @ 15:59

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(ETF2L Donator)

Oh look its another thread where its all talk and no one does anything.



Quoted from Morgus

I completely disagree, spectating TF2 is a lot more fun than CSS (never watched quake but it’s mostly dead anyway)

thats because you’ve played tf2 or whatever

Spike Himself


Quoted from AcidReniX

the only thing left that TF2 could do is attempt to make the public and competitive games player the same, or as close to as possible, so that public players are basically playing competitive games of TF2 every time they play the game

Had competitive tf2 been 12v12 without class or weapon restrictions, it would at least have its rage inducing gameplay in common with {insert random moba title}

Not sure if good or bad



Quoted from Enef

it’s too far removed from the base game and the dumbest shit happens and works in the game in general for people to take it seriously.


Quoted from T0m

Oh look its another thread where its all talk and no one does anything.

What, you thought that some fucker would actually do something?! HA dont make me laugh

Quoted from rytis

thats because you’ve played tf2 or whatever

I was hooked to TF2 BEFORE I played it. I played like 2 hours of pub, didn’t enjoy it, then watched the i40 finals in person and was hooked right away



Quoted from Skully

I was hooked to TF2 BEFORE I played it. I played like 2 hours of pub, didn’t enjoy it, then watched the i40 finals in person and was hooked right away

It’s really about what people want/expect blah blah.

i50 finals were shitty, in terms of actual competition – the winner was obvious. Even out of the tiny crowd though a discussion sprouted up with a guy nearby about how action packed it was as a game (LOL NO GRAVELPIT). He wasn’t a TF2 player.

The flip side is it’s kind of hard work to keep up with constant action sometimes, there’s always a settling point in games like CS because there’s a definite round end (no respawns). TF2 rounds don’t necessarily offer that and if you don’t understand it as a game I can imagine that getting difficult to stick with. It’s kind of only when you get dragged along with community feel that you instantly enjoy it (i40, i43, i46, i49 finals for instance). If it is rather slow going and holding the chokes then zzzz.

Plus, in the early days I don’t think we had casting/streaming nailed. Things like the HUD developments have really helped move spectating forward imo. Certainly allowed me to watch with a bit more patience.

Last edited by Nymthae,


Quoted from WARHURYEAH

We should have sent a selection of the best looking TF2 players to compete instead.

Sorry I quit :(



Same old boring discussion threads I have read 100 times on these forums.

We’re a community based game, if we want something great we have to earn it through sticking together and supporting eachother, no other game this size has achieved what we have done despite the lack of support, there is a lot to be positive about in terms of what we’ve achieved. Of course there is a lot to regret, failure of ESL, Dreamhack before and recently ESEA but we can still make great things happen, it is just a case of doing it. Sit back and relax, some great things might happen over the next year – I am sure there will be another drive for an international i52 and who else knows?



Just want to say well done to everyone involved. I bet 90% of the people who use this forum would shit bricks if they were asked to stand in front of 15,000 people. Shit bricks and then spend the rest of their weekend beating themselves up over being such a socially awkward nerd.

Well done guys, maybe onwards and upwards from here…



Decent effort.


RaWr ::

Who is this CanFo person on stage?

Where is that kid that plays the ukulele?

I think the guy doing the splits was more awkward!

Last edited by beta,



This is the best thread in a while, turbo had made an outstanding contribution to tf2 and #esports with such an active thread.


RaWr ::

Just to confirm – CanFo, you did fine mate, to be honest the crowd seemed a bit bored of everything.


Quoted from Nymthae


i50 finals were shitty



(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Will



go back to work will

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