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So I just watched the dreamhack vods.....

Created 3rd December 2013 @ 15:59

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Brilliant, after over 2 years of people asking to try and get TF2 at Dreamhack Canfo finally does it and people bitch about how it

This is why TF2 is stuck where it was for countless years


(king of all rollouts)

Quoted from Skully

Brilliant, after over 2 years of people asking to try and get TF2 at Dreamhack Canfo finally does it and people bitch about how it

This is why TF2 is stuck where it was for countless years

tf2 is stuck where it is because people are shit

Spike Himself


Yep, EU TF2 is the most spoilt community on the internet.



Quoted from Spike Himself

Yep, EU TF2 is the most spoilt community on the internet.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE



Gotta suit up while at LAN guys.



Quoted from freshmeatt

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE

Yeah don’t ever say EU TF2 community is the most spoilt when all dota players have to do is whine for long enough on the internet before valve ships an update they weren’t even intending on putting in this year.


Thank you for the time you guys took to put this together, especially the eSports United people putting their money into it. I hope you enjoyed your time there as well.

And sure, the small part we got to see here was slightly awkward, as it usually is in eSports (even in well-developed multi-million dollar events). The awkwardness is just amplified within our own community because we view ourselves as one unit trying to impress the outside world, and we become very self-conscious about it. Don’t worry about it. I have huge respect for anyone who took part, and I hope you get the opportunity to do something bigger next year.

Last edited by ashkan,



Quoted from Skully

Brilliant, after over 2 years of people asking to try and get TF2 at Dreamhack Canfo finally does it and people bitch about how it

This is why TF2 is stuck where it was for countless years

No, the game is stuck where it is because of the game itself. It’s not a good spectator esport. Even quake and CSS were struggling before we came along, arguably superior games to TF2.

Don’t see the issue with it either, TF2 is a fun game and one that probably suits itself to a small community like us.



Even if we had the most amazing community in the world full of people who weren’t awkward and people who knew how to handle themselves in front of a crowd TF2 would still not be anything more than a crappy community game because it’s too ridiculous and too inaccessible to the normal gamer, it’s too far removed from the base game and the dumbest shit happens and works in the game in general for people to take it seriously.


Quoted from rtan


No, the game is stuck where it is because of the game itself. It’s not a good spectator esport. Even quake and CSS were struggling before we came along, arguably superior games to TF2.

Don’t see the issue with it either, TF2 is a fun game and one that probably suits itself to a small community like us.

I completely disagree, spectating TF2 is a lot more fun than CSS (never watched quake but it’s mostly dead anyway)


RaWr ::

TF2 is stuck where it is because of the lack of a large enough competitive player base early on in its existence while it was new and exciting, due to the public and competitive game being so disconnected from each other.

There are only a couple of successful games where public style gameplay is completely different from competitive style gameplay and those games either have a loyal following for a large number of years (Quake) or they are a game that is virtually identical to another previously successful game.

A few game examples that have featured at recent lans.

DOTA2 (loyal following, public same as competitive).
CS (loyal following, public game close to competitive).
League of Legends (public same as competitive, simulates other successful games).
Battlefield 4 (brand new player rush, loyal following, simulates other successful games).
Quake Live (Loyal following).

Sure BF4 isn’t successful, but I put it there as something was at dreamhack and it has key features to becoming a popular competitive eSports title. Public CS actually players very similar to competitive CS as the money system makes players want to play the objectives to buy bigger guns to kill players next round. LoL, dota, hon etc… all play exactly the same in a public game as they do in a competitive game.

TF2 (no significant loyal following as game is so alienated from previous fortress games, the most popular public mode is not played in competitive, most of the public game content is banned or useless in competitive alienating the two modes, the game is a reasonably unique style that doesn’t simulate other games).

TF2 really needed one of those things to be changed to be a success. You can’t change your ‘loyal following’ (maybe TF3 has a shot), you can’t really change the unique style of the game, so the only thing left that TF2 could do is attempt to make the public and competitive games player the same, or as close to as possible, so that public players are basically playing competitive games of TF2 every time they play the game. Sadly the game’s design makes that a difficult task, and our competitive community with its game restrictions made this an impossibility.

I don’t blame our community though… the public game of TF2 simply doesn’t work in a 6vs6 competitive environment. Highlander’s popularity enforces the need for a public / competitive game style unification, but highlander’s team size simply does not work with competitive eSports events. The game is a bad product for what we want it to do. However, I’m still proud of our community’s combined efforts that have made this competitive game into something we can all enjoy, with something to play for, even though it never will, and couldn’t ever be a top tier competitive eSports title.


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give TF3



Being an internet tough guy makes sense, maybe it’s for your own amusement, maybe it’s for others’. Being an irl tough guy is retarded because everyone will beat you up.



Tf2 is a really great game, everyone should watch it!



Quoted from rtan


No, the game is stuck where it is because of the game itself. It’s not a good spectator esport.

True. After watching hours of competitive dota, tf2 is just like erghhhh nowadays.

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