d4 roamer LF mentor
Created 1st December 2013 @ 22:07
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hey I just started to pretty much main roamer and I would like some help from high div players add me
Last edited by marez,
No seriously, why would you need a mentor in D4? It was always my impression that div 4 was like the point where players/teams had their shit together
Quoted from Scissors
No seriously, why would you need a mentor in D4? It was always my impression that div 4 was like the point where players/teams had their shit together
Well you can still always get better by having a more experienced mentor.
Roamer is just about timing. Study tons of stvs until you actually understand 6v6 (it’s an incredibly simple game but most people don’t get it). Stay alive at the right time, be a soldier-shaped hitbox in the enemy’s faces at the right time, call what you can see and what you’re about to do.
Quoted from Scissors
No seriously, why would you need a mentor in D4? It was always my impression that div 4 was like the point where players/teams had their shit together
Not true, i found it better to have someone else watch your pov from his perspective. Been mentored now and then from div 6-div1.
Practice MGE, jump around a lot (even on pubs, doesn’t matter), eventually watch demos and try to analize the situation you’re in as often as possible (like ubers, positions, health of your/their players etc). talk to your team, coordinate. a roamer that doesn’t get supported/doesn’t ask for support is a roamer that jumps in alone, gets denied and crashes on the floor…
then you’ve got +/- the basics.
-> having a super good mentor but not understanding what he sais won’t get you anywhere.
Last edited by Peign slays dragons,
check this out
yeah div4 is the pinnacle of understanding the game, having someone mentor you even at high divs is probably the best way to learn
Also, play medic in mixes. Press tab a lot and note whether you’re moving forwards or backwards (or dying).
Quoted from hr
yeah div4 is the pinnacle of understanding the game, having someone mentor you even at high divs is probably the best way to learn
well the thing is I havent played roamer since low d6 and even thou I am already starting to be on that pinnacle I still to learn how to overcome the pinnacle which is why I am looking for mentor.
Quoted from marez
well the thing is I havent played roamer since low d6 and even thou I am already starting to be on that pinnacle I still to learn how to overcome the pinnacle which is why I am looking for mentor.
My point is that div4 is not a high div and you can learn a lot from a mentor, my comment was pointed at people that seem to suggest that d4 is too high for a mentor, but even prem players could benefit from people ‘mentoring’ them.
Quoted from Scissors
No seriously, why would you need a mentor in D4? It was always my impression that div 4 was like the point where players/teams had their shit together
There’s always someone who has their shit together better than you.
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