afk autokick on mge servers
Created 13th November 2013 @ 19:41
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i would like to make a request to every mge server admin (especially those running most popular servers out there) to install a plugin or whatever (i’m not into server things) to automatically kick afking players. it can really be annyoing when someone blocks arena for hours…
annyoyed mge player
Last edited by fisheye,
i use them to rank up my stranges :]
Quoted from Falcon0408
i use them to rank up my stranges :]
I’m not the only one who does this, there’s hope
Last sunday a guy literally occupied ammomod for over 8 hours afk, I joined at lunch for some of dat tasty mge and after dinner he was still on ammomod afk D:
Probably best to ask on the server’s community forums, or add an admin and ask.
Regardless of that, +1.
Quoted from fisheye
annyoyed mge player
lol redundancy
+1, pls do it
Quoted from Alfie
Probably best to ask on the server’s community forums, or add an admin and ask.
i asked anyone on the server who is the admin and if there is someone who has contact with him. then i went there:
Just play our (TryhardBrigade’s) MGE :P
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