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Renting a TF2 server?

Created 20th October 2013 @ 23:23

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So basically, our team doesn’t have a server to use for ourself, which we figured it’s about time to get, thus after looking around a bit, making a thread here seemed like the most logical way to approach this.

I have absolutely no experience with this, so I will be renting a server, and my requirements are basically this:
*Performs well, obviously. A good connection to the entire area between Norway to Turkey and Portugal to western Russia is required.
*As cheap as possible while performing well. I can spend up to like 70€/month, but I hope to not have to go that high. I generally have no idea what a good price for a server like this is.
*~24/7 uptime.

Any recommendations, experiences or suggestions?

Also, hope I hit the correct subforum, was kinda hard to place this :L.

Thx in advance!






serveme.tf is all you need. donations appreciated because they’re probably the best thing to happen to TF2 in a while.


donate all 70€ to serveme.tf and just use their servers for life :D


ask TC

Spike Himself


Quoted from mrwhizz

ask TC

Please don’t.



I can offer you both a CKRAS (German) and a German Hiperz server if you feel like trying them out for routing etc.

If you need help with the actual setup, feel free to ask too.


UbeR |




with serveme.tf, while awesome, you might not.get a reservation on short notice, especially weekdays at 8, even if you are a detonator. also I had people refuse playing on them because “they are generally weak, not performing well” (take that as you will)

ckras is awesome, got one after having an official on ash’s server. we had problems with sourcmod tho, running it without it atm.



I would recommend you SimRai.com and Fragnet.net. Both have reasonable prices per slot and 24/7 up time. For simrai.com especially they have amazing support. When we needed the server, the server was up in few mins. If you want to check the pings, contact me have servers on both providers! :)



Quoted from private_meta

with serveme.tf, while awesome, you might not.get a reservation on short notice, especially weekdays at 8, even if you are a detonator. also I had people refuse playing on them because “they are generally weak, not performing well” (take that as you will)


There’s now way more servers for donators, so shouldn’t be a problem.

With the exception of the “Maidos” servers in serveme.tf, all of them run underbooked, allowing them all to be full without maxing out CPU or memory. People claiming they’re “weak” are clueless.

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