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Every place you can play HL PCW on

Created 10th October 2013 @ 19:53

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Hey, I’m a starting team leader, and I’d like to know all the places I can go to setup a match for my team. I know about the Steam group “Highlander Team Leaders”, but is there something more than that?



Use the team leaders group to start with, and then as you play PCWs arranged on that, add the leader of each team and just get in contact with them if you’re looking to play a PCW, that’s what seems to happen most of the time


UbeR |

There is the colony spreadsheet, but it’s invite only due to reasons.


Last edited by kKaltUu,



I think the best way to do is add team leaders and ask if they can schedule a scrim. Better to play a fair game of the same div etc.



Quoted from trinita

I think the best way to do is add team leaders and ask if they can schedule a scrim. Better to play a fair game of the same div etc.


Look for teams that were in divisions 6-4 in Season 4, or are in UGC Euro Silver or Steel divisions. Add their leaders and schedule some practice games.

Eventually you will find some teams of your skill level that you enjoy playing against, and this will make scheduling PCWs easy and fun. This is how most teams in div2-prem practice.

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