Metalworks basic infos?
Created 4th October 2013 @ 10:55
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^ Didn’t know how else to express it.
I’m basically asking if anyone got a video/blog/thread or something similar explaining elementary stuff on metalworks such as rollouts,positions of certain roles/classes and spot names.
Mainly looking for infos on soldier roles (pocket+roamer) but if you got something for teams in general or other classes that’s cool,too.
Found this one a few mins ago =>
but it’s too goddamn long!
I guess figuring out the first two myself isn’t that hard but I’m quite “creative” when it comes to spot names…
I’d prefer to use common terms rather than confusing the fck out of my teammates with stuff like ‘medic over that fence-roof-thingy to the left’
Besides, why put in effort when you can be a lazy prick and just watch videos instead :D
Last edited by ducky,
Watch some povs / streams / vods of americans playing metalworks. If you trawl through a dedicated streamer’s vods they’ll have a good few matches on it, just work from there.
Or if you just want to know where people hold and rollouts, download a demo of an ESEA game.
considering you cba looking through a “metalworks walktrough” video because its “too long” i suggest you quit the game
Quoted from AnimaL
considering you cba looking through a “metalworks walktrough” video because its “too long” i suggest you quit the game
sorry ducky but that video contains literally everything you need to know
you couldve just asked me though :D
Quoted from AnimaL
considering you cba looking through a “metalworks walktrough” video because its “too long” i suggest you quit the game
The video I linked is too in depth and rather old.
An analogy of every single point is being made along with possible tactics for various situations hence why it’s so long in the first place.
The information doesn’t need to be that advanced,I just need the basics to figure out the rest myself.
Adding to that the information in this video that would actually interest me is either too vague or not included at all.
For instance: Seanbud and Co. are saying that a number of expressions could be used to name the X spot ,but not if it’s actually being commonly used nowadays.
Why waste 2 hours picking out bits and pieces of info every 15 mins when you can have it easier.
For example: Something like this => for metalworks would be perfect
Quoted from ducky
tyvm :D
I hope you like the location names maps I contibuted to xD
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