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Shoutcaster looking for work

Created 27th September 2013 @ 11:48

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Hey all,

Aspiring shout caster here looking to upload at least ONE REPLAY A WEEK.

I’d really like to get on board with what you guys do.

get in touch with me on here on at [email protected]

My steam is harry990

REALLY REALLY looking forward to hearing from some people

P.s you can check some of my content here: http://www.youtube.com/user/GangsterCast

Russian Guyovich

(Surging Meat Cable)



I doubt I would enjoy a caster who has 200 hours on the game. I’d say you’d need a lot more game sense for tf2 casting than what you can pick up in that short time.


Quoted from unu

I doubt I would enjoy a caster who has 200 hours on the game. I’d say you’d need a lot more game sense for tf2 casting than what you can pick up in that short time.

Why not give him a try, this scene desperatly needs more casters (preferably good or potential good ones).

Blackout is a good place to start as it was mentioned before


Looking forward to a cast, good luck on that.
But please keep in mind: TF2 casts are interesting when the casters are able to analyze the situation in the game. Strategic insight and exciting casting combined is great, and some casters in the scene are very good at it.
Some other casters are only good at reading off the scoreboard and speaking fast. Please dont be the next one.



Analyzing is pretty neat but what I enjoy most is the hype, casters that make little things sound outstanding. DJC please come back <3



you seem confident on camera and on mic which is a good start. You should watch some top level demos and get a feel for how the game is played at top level.

Good Luck

With a lack of experience perhaps try to do the play-by-plays along with an experienced color commentator by your side. I think that would be the best fit as you start gaining exp

Spike Himself


Quoted from alba

what I enjoy most is the hype, casters that make little things sound outstanding




Yeah, be passionate and enthousiastic and don’t just read the killfeed. Watch some of Pledge’s casts to see what a good caster is like.



Quoted from alba

Analyzing is pretty neat but what I enjoy most is the hype, casters that make little things sound outstanding. DJC please come back <3

Little things don’t matter. If they get hyped up about the little things how can we differentiate between little and big plays in a cast? They should notice and point out little things that can make a difference, but they shouldn’t get to excited about those.


Quoted from BenBazinga

Yeah, be passionate and enthousiastic and don’t just read the killfeed. Watch some of Pledge’s casts to see what a good caster is like.

Maybe some of them, but not all. A lot of Pledge’s casts are him trying to analyse things a little too much when he doesn’t really need to. Watch Admirable for what’s genuinely entertaining imo. Ads combines actually being good at playbyplay, analysis and all the technical shit to casting and also being genuinely quite a funny guy that seems to bring out the best in other casters.

ads&djc pls



Worst thing is when a caster starts being partial. Its all good if you are cheering for a certain team but being too obvious about it while casting a game with 200+ people watching is just wrong and amateur



you can cast my fails i have too many of those

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