Bonk'd, a TF2 podcast
Created 15th September 2013 @ 22:03
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I’ve listened to the latest episode, and I think the most repeated phrase of ‘meh’ would be a pretty accurate description. The main problem appears to be that you haven’t quite found the identity of the show yet, what you want it to be. I look up and read Andyvich’s comment above:
Quoted from andyvich
High-level play is not a priority (for me at least) compared to that nice feeling you get when you say “hey, this group of nine friends in Steel are doing really well, good job guys” and they all add you on Steam to be starstruck afterwards.
Maybe that’s my agenda. Natural highs > TF2.
And yet the largest proportion of the show is dedicated to that level, while anything below mid silver is glossed over very quickly. Moreover, a lot of the coverage was quite critical. That’s absolutely fine, everyone knows that I love a good slagging, but it just seems at odds with what you say you want to do.
P.S. No more beating on The Digital Alliance drum please, it’s getting tired.
Last edited by Bulow,
I admit, the last episode was weaker than previous ones. My excuse is that we were experimenting with streaming live on Twitch, so we could play about with audience participation and get instant feedback if something wasn’t correct.
What actually happened is that we got influenced by the aids that is Twitch chat and ended up bitchier than normal. That said, shittalking is (and always will be) a part of Bonk’d.
We don’t take it anywhere near as seriously as the people who complained though, which is a little bit hilarious in some aspects.
It’s also harder to talk about Steel when you bring in a guest who’s played Div 1 ETF2L. The guests next time will be a little more rounded & I feel that by Week 4/5, the UGC season has gone on for long enough for some diamonds in the dungheap to have a chance to shine.
This epi was pretty naff in all fairness, can be improved though.
Last edited by andyvich,
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