ETF2L Season 16 Map Pool - Ideas
Created 30th August 2013 @ 12:37
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Quoted from basshead
Mike and Tviq for example, iirc that they left because 6v6 just became stale for them
Hey, anyone up for adding 2fort? It’ll add variety and attract new players to comp since it’s ctf and there’s loads of pubs running it. And it’ll be much easier than making and testing new maps. :|
Last edited by Smyther,
Quoted from Smyther
Hey, anyone up for adding 2fort? It’ll add variety and attract new players to comp since it’s ctf and there’s loads of pubs running it. :|
Funny story, I actually played a 6v6 game yesterday on 2fort and my God it was so horrible.
Quoted from Smyther
Mmmm no. Ideally, we’d have a variety of good maps, but in a choice between variety and good maps, good maps is the better choice. Gpit is not a good map and there are other options avaiable.
The community has been playing/stuck with gpit since forever; it was around in the beta. The map is not conducive to fun 6v6 games. It’s too slow-paced and does not allow much opportunity for comebacks, since ABBA restricts you to 2 shots at attacking and defending.
I guess I should have clarified, my bad.
I was referring to maps in general in that post, not gpit specifically. Im not ashamed to admit, I wasnt playing 6v6 when gpit was an official map, but it seems to me like it’s the marmite of TF2. If people say it was bad, I’ll take their word for it, but please don’t assume nobody likes it.
But my point still stands, without an update, EU 6v6 is going to get really old, really fast.
Been there done that.
All in all over 6v6 and 7v7 there’s barely a map I haven’t played down the years. 2fort. Dustbowl. Goldrush. Well. I think I even pcw’d hydro once or twice too. Bazillion. Gpit. Obscures. Warm/coldfront. Frontier. Freight. Viaduct. The other ctf one and plenty of other 5cp maps that escape me.
Last seasons map pool was very probably my favourite.
Quoted from Meeto
I guess I should have clarified, my bad.
I was referring to maps in general in that post, not gpit specifically. Im not ashamed to admit, I wasnt playing 6v6 when gpit was an official map, but it seems to me like it’s the marmite of TF2. If people say it was bad, I’ll take their word for it, but please don’t assume nobody likes it.
But my point still stands, without an update, EU 6v6 is going to get really old, really fast.
Back when I started playing 6s (fuck you Koeitje :P), I felt a very similar way. However, over 2 years later I now understand where people are coming from when they say some maps are bad, because I’ve been around when they’ve rejoined the map pool and seen some of the most boring maps to watch being casted and they just aren’t fun to play either. Some of them have fundamental flaws, i.e. Freight last being a nightmare to push, or take way too long to play and aren’t fun (Gpit’s push and hope for the best, if not rinse and repeat style).
I like loads of maps in TF2, but some are just unsuitable for competitive, and there’s usually plentiful reasons as to why they are excluded from map pools.
Personally, if you want 6v6 to have variety then the only proven formats seem to be koth and 5cp so far, so just bring in a new map of each and see how things go.
Last edited by Russian Guyovich,
The people who are saying there are no viable alternatives mustn’t be looking very hard. cp_derecho looks really good, and if people can actually be bothered to play test it then it would be even better, cp_vanguard is also a good option. And if you want less 5cp and more variety then koth_canopy is at least as good a viaduct, quite possibly better.
I don’t see why people are wanting to vote maps back in that were removed because they were bad, the map is still the same, and just as bad as it was before.
Quoted from Russian Guyovich
Back when I started playing 6s (fuck you Koeitje :P), I felt a very similar way. However, over 2 years later I now understand where people are coming from when they say some maps are bad, because I’ve been around when they’ve rejoined the map pool and seen some of the most boring maps to watch being casted and they just aren’t fun to play either. Some of them have fundamental flaws, i.e. Freight last being a nightmare to push, or take way too long to play and aren’t fun (Gpit’s push and hope for the best, if not rinse and repeat style).
I like loads of maps in TF2, but some are just unsuitable for competitive, and there’s usually plentiful reasons as to why they are excluded from map pools.
Personally, if you want 6v6 to have variety then the only proven formats seem to be koth and 5cp so far, so just bring in a new map of each and see how things go.
Yes, there are a lot of good maps, but there are also a variety of good maps being overlooked.
I’m going to say this again, what killing did was listen to the +fragged comments about the maps, since they were actually good.
If someone will suggest a bad map like freight for example, you can -frag it and the ETF2L admins won’t listen.
If you do a poll with actual good maps that were suggested (and liked) then I don’t see any reason why NOT to create one.
New maps will do good to the EU scene, to get stuff done in ETF2L seem so hard to do while in ESEA they just ask, allow (map, unlock), and ban if needed (i.e quickfix).
They’re actually NOT afraid to test out new unlocks, not scared to actually see what the community that plays in their league wants.
Stop talking shit about frieght, obsure, these maps won’t even get into the poll, since THEY WERE TESTED ALREADY, you’ve seen how bad they did and why would they be brought back?
Time for new maps, new tactics, and maybe some new unlocks (i.e winger).
Quoted from JackyLegs
Stop talking shit about frieght, obsure, these maps won’t even get into the poll, since THEY WERE TESTED ALREADY, you’ve seen how bad they did and why would they be brought back?
How is it talking shit to use them as examples where they’ve been re-added to the map pool and then removed again? Gpit would be the exact same if it were re-introduced which is what I was trying to explain to Metal Gear.
Do you even know how ESEA works? Invite decides almost everything, that thread was just for ideas and to get the idea what people want.
Gravelpit is still an amazing map to play (maybe not to watch). If you never played in a team which had actual strats for it, it might be different.
Quoted from MIndYe
Do you even know how ESEA works? Invite decides almost everything, that thread was just for ideas and to get the idea what people want.
I thought anyone with premium can vote?
Also, either remove viaduct or add another koth map. It’s really stupid just having one map of a gametype in the map pool because teams will only scrim it when they have to play it in officials.
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