Hey guys flippers here, I recently learned how to do sfm smooths. Therefore I am back in the editing game :D. I have one project already lined up, an ESEA frag vid that will cover LAN and a few regular season frags, I will also potentially be doing a video for Fragophilia gaming, and a short video for Top Guns. So, I am looking for roamer clips, from any division, I dont care and im not gonna get picky as long as the clip is good. Because of the fact that I am frequently at my cottage this video will not be taking priority over any other projects other than the short frag clip for Top Guns.

Format as follows, all clips not following this format will be promptly ignored.


You may be asking why I am making a roamer video, I am making one because I have always liked class centered videos and roamer happens to be my favorite class. (also long scout clips suck).