Team Immunity i49au Video Guides
Created 30th July 2013 @ 17:31
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As a part of our fundraising goals, Australia’s Team Immunity promised to release a number of in-depth video guides with the intention of sharing our opinions with respect to how a particular map could be played, and the roles of the fundamental classes. These videos are being created with the generous help of Chaplain, and will hopefully serve to be a valuable resource for both new players, and those who are looking to improve.
These videos are made up entirely of our own opinions, which should be applied to the strengths of your own team, rather than taken as an absolute authority.
I’ll be updating this post as new videos come out, and please don’t hesitate to leave questions in either this thread, or the video’s comments – we’ll try to answer as many as we can in the next video.
The first video has just gone live – along with a selection of “outtakes” – which you can view over at our youtube channel:
Attacking Badlands:
This looks like quite some effort :)
Since this is quite a long video, maybe add a rough index with time codes in the description.
Last edited by Selek,
This is really great, it’ll take a lot of work to produce all the tutorials you guys promised and I hope they’re all this good! This is awesome and really puts the other fundraisers to shame.
A reminder to please leave any questions, ideally regarding the content of our next video, or the content that was in the video you watched, in YT comments (preferred) or this thread.
Last edited by Yuki,
copy/pasted from ozfortress + tftv – as for the reason its been such a long time there are a few – most of which are due to not much interest coming forward to help us record, edit and upload. They are in the progress of getting done now though, and will hopefulyl all be out within the next little while. As for other perks – if you donated and haven’t contacted me PLEASE add me on steam and I’ll get you sorted out :)
So, last week yuki and I got together with some help from d1e` and recorded our defending badlands video. The video is currently in the process of being edited and uploaded by d1e`, and will be released in 3 parts as the total length of the video somehow ended up longer than an hour and a half. The first part of the video (Defending badlands middle) is up and ready to go now, and hopefully the next two segments will be ready for release within the next week or so!
As with the last video that we did, please let us know what you think. We are trying to be as thorough as possible with these, which means that for staple (and complex) maps like badlands these videos will be lengthy – hopefully at least some of you get something out of these videos though, even if its just something specific that your team may be having trouble with.
If you feel so inclined please leave some questions either in this thread or on the video also – we’d be more than happy to answer them either in our next video or in a direct reply to you.
I also can’t thank d1e` enough for helping us out with these videos – they are getting posted up on his youtube channel so if you like what he’s done I’m sure he’d be more than happy for some more subscribers
(sorry for necro? :~D)
Defending Spire is up and ready:
Thanks again to d1e` for getting these out so fast!
This kind of thing is always awesome for new players or anyone even unsure about certain points, I hope you don’t mind some armchair suggestions for the next one.
I think it would help if at the start you summarised what you would be covering and explain exactly what you hope people are going to have learnt, ie “In this video we are going to be explaining the standard positioning for holding badlands spire including the aggressive choke hold, and defensive trash and balcony holds. With this video we aim to clear up any confusion your team might have regarding where they should be positioned in order maximise their defensive potential and also explain for the maincaller how to make the quick decision on which location to hold.”
To be honest just making the video a lot more structured and trying not to move your player and camera around so much when making a point would make these videos fantastic. At the moment you are kind of throwing a lot of points at the viewer without much overarching information on how to move as a whole team or how the maincaller needs to react to things. The information itself is amazing, I just think too much information is hard to process when you are new.
Last edited by dodgydogman,
and finally, Badlands last:
Please let us know what you think – even if you didn’t watch the entire hour and a half, your feedback definitely means a lot to us.
Also @ dodgy – cheers for the feedback, and I definitely agree with what you’re saying. We pretty much just jumped into a server and chatted about how to defend on badlands with no real game plan. The reason is that if you go and watch the attacking badlands vid (from like… 7 months ago!!) we actually attacked it with a lot more of a script and I don’t think it really allowed us to express a lot of whats going on behind the scenes when we’re actually thinking about the map. It’s easier for us and I *hope* its more beneficial for people that do have a basic understanding to watch how we actually come to our conclusions and work off each other to try and explain the theory behind how to defend. We’re trying to make the target audience for these videos as wide as possible – which means we have to try and balance out the amount of information we’re hurling at people.
I definitely agree that a bit of direction wouldn’t hurt – even if its just us chatting a bit about our aim in general beyond the “use this as a reference, rather than a guide” just because it really does differ from team to team. In saying that though – I think we’re still planning on going over one of our game povs and actually demonstrating how we apply this kind of stuff on the fly, which would cover a lot of what you’re suggesting.
Definitely appreciate your feedback though! It’s hard to step back and look at what we’ve done from the kind of perspective that you’re offering so it really is very valuable for us :)
Granary is all finished and uploaded :)
And the full playlist so far:
Thanks again to dy` for helping us out with this :)
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