Forum Newbie-Only 6v6 Cup and Wiki Contests
Created 29th July 2013 @ 01:54
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What is the date of the signups closing
Quoted from Robeomega
What is the date of the signups closing
Quoted from Kaneco
######### Sign Ups close #########
13th September 23:59 GMT (01:00 CEST) (19:00 EST)
Not to be a smartypants, but why do the people in the GMT timezone have 1 less minute to sign up?
Last edited by fishyard,
Quoted from fishyard
Not to be a smartypants, but why do the people in the GMT timezone have 1 less minute to sign up?
I just wanted to make it clear that it only lasted until the end of friday, 00:00 GMT might make it dubious to whether it is the 00:00 of the day after or before. Of course Im not gonna deny applications for 1 minute, not even 10 or 20, its just so people dont remember and apply on saturday night when I have already reviewed every application
Time for a deserved update on the cup.
Sorry for no news lately but I have been really busy, i46, then portuguese lan the past weekend and I have had absolutely no time between work and all this.
Currently there are 52 Teams signed up, which is quite a good number.
28 teams for the EU cup and 24 for the NA cup. Altough there are a few applications that are/will be null or denied from what I have checked.
I haven’t had the time to review any application just yet, will try to have it done by the end of this next weekend maximum, so teams who are denied have a chance to find a sub if they want.
I also had a donation of another 12 keys from the one and only Russian Guyovich, these will go towards 2nd place prizes, so each of the 2nd placed teams will get 6 keys as well now.
I also haven’t promoted the cup that much because I was holding off until I made some important decisions about the future of, and it will be another couple of days until I have that stuff cleared up.
Last edited by Kaneco,
After 6-7 hours NA Cup applications are sorted :D
26 Confirmed teams
3 Applications still pending
3 Applications denied
More info here:
Brackets etc incoming tomorrow
Now onto the EU cup applications. Should be a lot less time consuming since ETF2l is much more straightforward to check for player experience. Will try to have it done by tomorrow afternoon
Little Update:
EU appplications are halfway there. missing about 15 teams, should be done until tonight.
Also for more info on maps / brackets / times / servers, etc, go here: – For the general cup page
Here for the NA cup page
Here for the EU cup page
Still missing brackets on both (will be released today night or tomorrow morning) and the EU cup page is still missing application status and team profilesm, will be added after I finish the 15 applications.
Meanwhile every team leader should accept me if I add them, I added lots of people who didn’t accept me or couldn’t reach them, its really hard to keep track if you dont show a bit of interest as well, and as you can imagine, it’s really hard to chase down 60+ team leaders all by myself
EU applications are done with. So all applications are reviewed.
Cup Numbers:
24 teams for the EU cup
22 Teams for the NA cup
Official Page for the NA cup:
Official Page for the EU cup:
If you received an add for me make sure to accept me. I added every team leader.
Pending Teams:
ALso there are 3 pending teams for the NA cup (eu cup has no pending applications) so if you are one of those 3 teams get in contact with me.
As for brackets, they will be randomly seeded on challonge and posted later tonight or tomorrow morning on the respective cup page.
For the NA cup we have arranged a great sponsorship from Mawr servers which will be providing all the servers for the cup + the winner’s server. We will have 10 servers available: 4 Chicago, 2 Atlanta, 2 Dallas, 2 LA.
These will work on a first come first server basis, and each team leader should add the other team leader and agree on a server location and request it to me as soon as possible.
For the EU cup, we weren’t able to ultimate details and we are making a last minute decision. If you have a server you can use your own server, otherwise we recommend using to rent a server for the match time (please do it in advance so all servers are not taken). This site is very straightforward and easy to use but if you have any question contact me. Also in last resort you can reach me for a server if there are no servers available on
Maps will be the same as ETF2L s15 / ESEA s14 respectivelly except all maps will use the most updated versions (apart from snakewater)
Ruleset and Whitelist
NA cup whitelist will be the same of ESEA s14 MINUS the Quick Fix
NA cup config will use ESA Cups config as we dont have our own client like ESEA and ESA cups used NA rules.
EU configs and whitelist have changed and will be the same as this next season (s16 etf2l) , we changed it because doesn’t support last season configs.
Any question add me on steam or post here.
Last edited by Kaneco,
EU Cup going live in 40 mins
Yeah what CanFo said. I’d like to see some games, esp. the semis and finals!
Unfortunately I got in contact with Vanilla TV yesterday who showed interest but no availability showed no interest.
I am trying to get in contact with some casters (pledge etc) to cover the later rounds but no luck yet :( if you could help me find someone I would appreciate.
As for streamer I already have a friend (ducky who is the newest official streamer) available to stream only need casters
Quoted from fraac
MagicalKillaCow might do it, he’s streaming now.
do you know him personally? tell him to add me if he’s interested
1st round is over
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