ESA Update
Created 26th July 2013 @ 11:48
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Hello guys,
We have identified that the premium cup model is not attractive, at the moment. We do see that it can cost more to buy a set of subscriptions than what you actually get in return. The prize pools for July were based on 80 subscribers spread across 4 tournaments, a menial target which we failed to reach. This system works better for everybody if more people buy in… A higher value tournament for separate levels of skill is what the concept proposes but… as for all propositions it takes two to tango.
As a temporary solution, we have added a special offer on the premium subscription which gives buyers two months of premium for the price of one. At less than the price of two pints of larger, you get 60 days of perks, a chance to win money while increasing the prize pools through our new crowd-fund concept.
We are starting skill balanced tournaments with cash prizes throughout August, which we will manually determine, as many of you did not take advantage of the open play period. These cups will also run across a number of days on a weekday evening to see if the signups improve.
Just to inform you we’re reviewing the system and working towards operating a tiered league system which will allow you to compete in a competitive format with one or two games per week over the course of a three month period in fixed divisions. We will then, possibly, run cups concurrently with the league with your respective division as the skill bracket.
We do thank everybody who has supported what we’re doing thus far – we do realise that more work needs to be done and that work is underway. We are determined to make an impact and support Team Fortress 2 but we need your support and love also.
Please post any further feedback or suggestions here and it will certainly be considered. Thanks. Mike
Thank you for all the time and effort you are putting ibto the game, personally the reason i’ve yet to plwy ESA is the main one you stated of the cups being at awkward times for me (or lack of notice in the case.of the current one night cups) as i work thursday evenings and weekends.
Hopefully more teams will take this oppurtunity to support you guys as i think ESA is going to be great for tf2 eventually, its just going to take a little while to rev up and get going.
The league system sounds interesting but the way you describe it confuses me a little, is it going to be basically like etf2l’s league system?
Last edited by Enef,
Stupid gambling laws in Norway is stopping me, might have to talk to my bank
Yeah, I do believe that it will come good. You guys have at least registered on the site, which is a start and once more people will subscribe, others will maybe start too when they see the prizes there. Chicken and egg.
No, the league system ETF2L use is known as a Round Robin, ESA will use a combination of Round Robin (for higher divisions) and a swiss-system for the lower divisions allowing more teams to play in a single division for a similar period of time.
Instead of operating 39 divisions, it’ll run through maybe 5 divisions of relative skill
Last edited by Didge-,
We do appreciate you and your staff’s effort and tenacity to keep hosting these cups and also improve, based on feedback. These cups regardless of how much money is put in or having to put in are awesome.
Gives great exposure to teams/players unheard of due to the exposure they get from VanillaTV :P Will try and cover this weekend the #4 cup but is looking doubtful due to people having real lives and being on summer hols! :p
Anyway keep up the good work :3
Last edited by byte,
does this mean that the next open cup thingy (on sunday) will also run on a few days? O.o
No, we haven’t changed this Sundays cup. We’re trialing the cups scheduled for August during the week!
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