Definition of hard counters
Created 14th July 2013 @ 15:19
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tf2 < demoman
Gunboats soldier vs Pyro is one that springs to mind.
Literally nothing you can do but run or hope the Pyro misses the airblasts.
Edit: Also an Ubercharge vs a Kritzkreig?
These things all depend on execution though :D
Last edited by Admirable,
Quoted from Admirable
Gunboats soldier vs Pyro is one that springs to mind.
Literally nothing you can do but run or hope the Pyro misses the airblasts.
Since most pyros are pretty bad you can just wait for the pyro to spam reflects and shoot him during the airblast’s cool-down. Against good pyros, though…
Quoted from evokje
He is
thats the joke
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