Danger Shield Buff
Created 11th July 2013 @ 16:47
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Quoted from Limp.
I think people are over racting freking out over this one. I think its fine item. I mean only thing it has like real proper effect is sniper vs sniper. And this is not sniper vs sniper mge get good mode, this is highlander, there are 8 other classes too. You don’t need to sniper to give up jarrate and go sniper dueling DDS sniper if enemy have on, you can focus it down with other classes, scout,spy, solly. Sure it might be pain in the ass for lower divs/teams if there are some “carry snipers” and people don’t know what to do, but I’m sure it’s all fine on higer divs at least, even if you could say sinpers woulbe better there too. Just gives sniper now two really considerable sceondarys insted of only jarrate.
Imagine you’re sniping against another sniper who is using the new Danger Shield. You will lose unless you equip the Danger Shield yourself. And sniper vs sniper is a massive part of a sniper’s role in highlander, I think you’re underestimating the impact of it.
Get a buff from your medc, BOOM, you are even terms with DDS regardin survinving Full body/quick head.
Plus its not hard to get your team to contribute enough chip damage from long range to make him weak enough to be killed with quicky head
If you argue its op cuz no need buffs, then gunboats have similar effect makeing you less dependant to medic for solly.
Think it’s overrecting just out right banning it without proper test, however I agree NC is not really proper place to run a test for it.
Last edited by Limp.,
Quoted from Limp.
Get a buff from your medc, BOOM, you are even terms with DDS regardin survinving Full body/quick head.
If you argue its op cuz no need buffs, then gunboats have similar effect makeing you less dependant to medic for solly.
Think it’s overrecting just out right banning it without proper test, however I agree NC is not really proper place to run a test for it.
Um.. the other team can overheal the sniper with the shield, too.
I think the basic argument is that you’re at a disadvantage if their sniper uses it and you don’t. So I think it shouldn’t be allowed.
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