4 years later its fixed
Created 11th July 2013 @ 00:12
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Quoted from Mast
Escape Plan
Players receive the Marked-For-Death effect after deploying, and for a short period after holstering.
If you are using the escape plan then your probably already on 50 HP or lower which is a one shot kill anyway so bit of a useless nerf in my eyes
Still, a rocket from far away (or with shit splash) deals only 28 damage at worst. If you’re under 50 ,that’s crucial if that rocket would deal 38 or 28.
Last edited by Godof,
Quoted from Godof
Still, a rocket from far away (or with shit splash) deals only 28 damage at worst. If you’re under 50 ,that’s crucial if that rocket would deal 38 or 28.
A direct rocket always does a minimum 48 damage. A blind medium range spam rocket easily has potential to do 70.
Last edited by Smyther,
I can’t believe that nobody has mentioned this yet, but isn’t the crossbow reload time fucked up? Checked it roughly, and it seems to be up to about 2 seconds now. I kept on switching to medigun before the arrow was reloaded in all the games today, and I couldn’t understand why.
Quoted from Ace
I can’t believe that nobody has mentioned this yet, but isn’t the crossbow reload time fucked up? Checked it roughly, and it seems to be up to about 2 seconds now. I kept on switching to medigun before the arrow was reloaded in all the games today, and I couldn’t understand why.
Crusaders Crossbow
* Smoothed out reload animation (DPS unchanged)
DPS is unchanged if you hold M1, but the time it takes to complete a reload before you can switch back to medigun has definitely gone up. Sucks because it’s only useful if you can reload in a spare 2 seconds and have a needle ready.
Also gullywash doors definitely hurt you now if you don’t walk out of them fast or straight enough.
Quoted from Godof
Still, a rocket from far away (or with shit splash) deals only 28 damage at worst. If you’re under 50 ,that’s crucial if that rocket would deal 38 or 28.
base splash 45
So the damage is actually around DOUBLE what you would normally take at long range. That’s because mini crits remove the 50% damage falloff on top of adding 33% extra.
It’s a crippling nerf and the lingering effect, which they just copy pasted from GRU, just adds layers of bullshit. It kinda makes sense on GRU at least, because they wanted to stop heavies from running into people’s faces with it, but it doesn’t make any sense at all on the Escape Plan.
I mean it still decreases your travel time to health packs, but there’s gonna be some bullshit deaths because of it~
Last edited by Schmuse,
Quoted from Schmuse
base splash 45
1.33*45=59.85So the damage is actually around DOUBLE what you would normally take at long range. That’s because mini crits remove the 50% damage falloff on top of adding 33% extra.
It’s a crippling nerf and the lingering effect, which they just copy pasted from GRU, just adds layers of bullshit. It kinda makes sense on GRU at least, because they wanted to stop heavies from running into people’s faces with it, but it doesn’t make any sense at all on the Escape Plan.I mean it still decreases your travel time to health packs, but there’s gonna be some bullshit deaths because of it~
mark of death doesn’t affect self splash damage, you can grab a medkit then rocket jump away
Quoted from kaidus
Marked for death removes falloff so all these calculations are fairly wrong.
Yep. I love 22 dmg (or something) pistol shots.
Quoted from Schmuse
I mean it still decreases your travel time to health packs, but there’s gonna be some bullshit deaths because of it~
don’t get into situations where you will die if you take out the escape plan then. it’s not a “bullshit death” if it’s caused by your own incompetence.
Quoted from Ace
I can’t believe that nobody has mentioned this yet, but isn’t the crossbow reload time fucked up? Checked it roughly, and it seems to be up to about 2 seconds now. I kept on switching to medigun before the arrow was reloaded in all the games today, and I couldn’t understand why.
haha so thats whats going on… i was wondering if im really getting more and more bat shit every day :D
Quoted from AnimaL
[…]haha so thats whats going on… i was wondering if im really getting more and more bat shit every day :D
Although the reload animation is supposed to take the same time as it did before this patch, it seems like it takes longer to reload if you’ve shot an arrow, switched weapons and revert back to crossbow. Before the update, there would be a small delay when switching to crossbow and the reload animation kicking in, however because it was faster you would reload quicker than you do now.
When you switch to an unloaded crossbow after this update, it feels like you have the same delay, and then the slower reload animation happens so it takes even longer to load than it does trying to shoot one arrow after the other. This is a nightmare when you’re trying to defend yourself and haven’t had a chance to reload since you shot an arrow earlier on.
I might be completely wrong here, but it does feel different. I don’t see why Valve had to fuck around with the Crossbow. It was a perfect sidegrade to syringes, and the trail animation looks good but there was nothing wrong with shooting an arrow instead of a needle. It was originally supposed to be a Medieval weapon afterall. Why all of a sudden do they give a shit about weapons/hats fitting the art style?
Last edited by Russian Guyovich,
i dont have an issue with it at all, just that i felt something was off about it and now i know what…
get used to it..
Quoted from ondkaja
don’t get into situations where you will die if you take out the escape plan then. it’s not a “bullshit death” if it’s caused by your own incompetence.
so much this
Too bad escape plan is still useful in rollouts.
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