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4 years later its fixed

Created 11th July 2013 @ 00:12

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Quoted from Limp.


QQ I have to get actualy creative with my bomds and stuff how can I play qq 6sforever im shit at moveing I need to hide qq

get good reallywow whiners lol, adapt.

Lets just make the map one large flat are with capture points. Only noobs need cover and height advantage. If you don’t like this change you should get good.

Spike Himself


Quoted from ash

The last thing – are meds now invulnerable to crits (or anything) when they stand inside spawn by an inch? can they still heal people on the outside?
Doesnt it also ruin stickying spawns as the people now actually have to walk outside to get damaged?

You can still hit the medic or hit his feet on the other side of the door. The splash is only blocked by where the door would be – you can still shoot at the other side of it.

As for stickies.. yeah I suppose that won’t work anymore..



Quoted from KLar

which one

sent it to valve already but here you go

get qf ready and wait for the postround/critsround to start, then pop quickfix uber so that it doesnt end when the new round starts

change class and enjoy permanent qf uber



the only thing that makes me sad about this patch is the window on mid and the explosion on spawn doors, its just retarded, dont get why would they ever do that…



Quoted from fishyard


Lets just make the map one large flat are with capture points. Only noobs need cover and height advantage. If you don’t like this change you should get good.

That’s bit different though, wouldn’t mid.

But if u think about it really. Badlands ruined because you can’t put stickyes in side fucking door frames any more and so on? No. It’s fucking fixed.

Window on middle, meaning less, but harder to spam stickys :(.. So? You want that flat map cuz badlnds too hard now awww :((?

Spawn door thingy, hide your stickys like above it and wait them come out of it or somthing? not big difference, however can you still snipe through spawn thingy?

Why 6s players be so damn narrow minded all the time, “fuck changes I hate changes. don’t touch my sacred game. It was build this way 6 years ago and shall not be modified it says so on bibel. I also hate fresh air and thas why I keep my windos and doors locked all the time. I dont even like my girlfriend anymore but I stay with her cus fuck changes.”

Last edited by Limp.,



Quoted from Limp.


That’s bit different though, wouldn’t mid.

But if u think about it really. Badlands ruined because you can’t put stickyes in side fucking door frames any more and so on? No. It’s fucking fixed.

Window on middle, meaning less, but harder to spam stickys :(.. So? You want that flat map cuz badlnds too hard now awww :((?

Spawn door thingy, hide your stickys like above it and wait them come out of it or somthing? not big difference, however can you still snipe through spawn thingy?

Why 6s players be so damn narrow minded all the time, “fuck changes I hate changes. don’t touch my sacred game. It was build this way 6 years ago and shall not be modified it says so on bibel. I also hate fresh air and thas why I keep my windos and doors locked all the time. I dont even like my girlfriend anymore but I stay with her cus fuck changes.”

shots fired



Quoted from gnaw

– cp_badlands
– Fixed jumps being ruined by small rock ledge near spiral




– Escape Plan
– Players receive the Marked-For-Death effect after deploying, and for a short period after holstering.




I just feel like some bugs are made to be there. Shame they removed almost all of them.

Last edited by Maffi,

Quoted from Limp.


That’s bit different though, wouldn’t mid.

But if u think about it really. Badlands ruined because you can’t put stickyes in side fucking door frames any more and so on? No. It’s fucking fixed.

Window on middle, meaning less, but harder to spam stickys :(.. So? You want that flat map cuz badlnds too hard now awww :((?

Spawn door thingy, hide your stickys like above it and wait them come out of it or somthing? not big difference, however can you still snipe through spawn thingy?

Why 6s players be so damn narrow minded all the time, “fuck changes I hate changes. don’t touch my sacred game. It was build this way 6 years ago and shall not be modified it says so on bibel. I also hate fresh air and thas why I keep my windos and doors locked all the time. I dont even like my girlfriend anymore but I stay with her cus fuck changes.”

I’m fine with change. But I don’t like that they ruined so many spots on badlands. I don’t like this particular change because it makes for less exciting plays by hiding stickys underneath the mid point for example, which is something I think TF2 really needs.


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Maffi

I just feel like some bugs are made to be there. Shame they removed almost all of them.



Quoted from Maffi

I just feel like some bugs are made to be there. Shame they removed almost all of them.

Indeed, its like removing bounces from cod4…


Quoted from Maffi

I just feel like some bugs are made to be there. Shame they removed almost all of them.

Quoted from Limp.


That’s bit different though, wouldn’t mid.

But if u think about it really. Badlands ruined because you can’t put stickyes in side fucking door frames any more and so on? No. It’s fucking fixed.

Window on middle, meaning less, but harder to spam stickys :(.. So? You want that flat map cuz badlnds too hard now awww :((?

Spawn door thingy, hide your stickys like above it and wait them come out of it or somthing? not big difference, however can you still snipe through spawn thingy?

Why 6s players be so damn narrow minded all the time, “fuck changes I hate changes. don’t touch my sacred game. It was build this way 6 years ago and shall not be modified it says so on bibel. I also hate fresh air and thas why I keep my windos and doors locked all the time. I dont even like my girlfriend anymore but I stay with her cus fuck changes.”

Change is not always good. For Example:

Good Change: You swapping your extra chromosome for some common sense
Bad Change: Your legs being transformed into candlesticks, you being evicted from your house or losing the right to vote. ADAPT TO IT FGT.

Gosh Darn it, if people aren’t allowed to express their displeasure at anything then how can progress be made? Valve makes mistakes and if we don’t know what we want how the fuck can they?

If they were to roll back the Natascha or sticky bomb nerfs, which are objectively good changes, I honestly believe there would still be people like you telling everyone to adapt. If the change is genuinely bad we don’t need to adapt. All we need to do is get mad and force action, one way or another. The reality is that we actually have a considerable amount of power to invoke change in this medium we all play.

Urgh Fuck My Rife, I’ll get over the changes but they aren’t all good.



retarded escape plan nerf….srsly there was no need for it

any way to keep old escape plan with TFTrue or config?

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