intermediate doublemix group
Created 7th July 2013 @ 05:18
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Hi. I’m starting a new doublemix group for cool, keen, talented players rising up the divisions. Feel free to try it out; I think it has a really good teampicking algorithm. Will kick off on Monday.
Sounds good, and good luck with that project. But i really don’t understand why there is a need of new doublemix groups when there is two full of players steamgroups and two website pickups…
Mostly selfish reasons: the players with whom I started my newbie mix group have outgrown it and mostly don’t play tf2pickup, and Crafz tells me I’m banned from pickups anyway. It’ll turn out to be useful for any number of other people too.
I think it’s a good idea, like newbie mix group was and it’s proven it is a good start to play mixes at your gaming level.
Nice one, again, Fraac :)
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