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American Ruleset Feedback

Created 24th June 2013 @ 01:31

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it’s shit

eu is fine



1000 times better but etf2l will never change to it so I try not to get to attached



From my players pov:
The paste of game changes alot and people know that a game could last up to 60minutes so this so far prevented alot of “parking the bus ” moments we have seen in the past. The biggest upgrade to the previous ruleset for me tho is, that you can talk about strategies and stylechanges within the halftime. It personally helped us alot figuring out stuff within the game and therefore guaranteed a better quality our performance.

From a spec POV:
After reviewing the VODS I saw that the casters had a great chance for the casters to recap the last halftime and try to predict how this is gonna affect the 2nd half of the game. Other than in the past where they had to predict what happens on gullywash after just seeing badlands :D Overall just adding depth to the cast/game – creating a more professional atmosphere.

Let´s please not be that european this time in our life and see it as a very successful fieldtest for the NA ruleset. Use it in the next season – cups – stop testing. And swap sites after halftime!

Last edited by IPZIE,



+1 for these rules
for logs just use sizzling



Quoted from TurboTabs

1000 times better but etf2l will never change to it so I try not to get to attached

I’m not 100% sure but I’m pretty sure it’s being very seriously considered, it was almost used for this season I believe but hadn’t been fully tested or something. Now it has I think there is a real possibility of a change.


Quoted from Mark

The only problem with logs is the score gets messed up but this is hardly worth writing a plugin for.

It’s not “the only problem”… Also it’s an integral part in streams and casts. If you can’t get logs and team switching working properly like the americans IMO you shouldn’t keep playing with the na ruleset.

I’m not saying its not better. Im just saying we need to be better prepared to use it.



Do we really need to change sides at half time…like really?



Quoted from Monkeh

Do we really need to change sides at half time…like really?

That would confuse the shit out of me.



Quoted from Monkeh

Do we really need to change sides at half time…like really?


(ETF2L Donator)
UbeR |
Fe |

The fact that the NA ruleset allows you to switch sides is great, since we all know that a lot of maps aren’t fully symmetrical, and contain certain advantages for one of the teams.

A simple workaround solution would be to just reload the map after the half. It would produce 2 seperate logs (why can’t a log just be about half a game? there’s nothing inherently wrong about that), but at least the scores would be correct.



I really liked it.



It eliminates any “colour advantages” if you swap colours.

Also, some kind of “live stats” plugin would be nice if we were to do this, but thats probably pretty hard to do so i won’t ask someone to put in a lot of work for no reward.

I think we should use the US ruleset though and have done for a while.



I wonder how many results have been affected by map asymmetries. I guess between 0 and 1.



Quoted from Kaneco


It’s not “the only problem”… Also it’s an integral part in streams and casts. If you can’t get logs and team switching working properly like the americans IMO you shouldn’t keep playing with the na ruleset.

I’m not saying its not better. Im just saying we need to be better prepared to use it.

What are the other issues with it then?


(ETF2L Donator)
UbeR |
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Quoted from fraac

I wonder how many results have been affected by map asymmetries. I guess between 0 and 1.

last extv top10 already shows 1

1 is not between 0 and 1

ur doing it wrong

Last edited by skeej,

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