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American Ruleset Feedback

Created 24th June 2013 @ 01:31

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Hi everyone, thought I’d ask what the general opinions on the NA ruleset are after playing/watching it today. Personally I thought it was way more exciting and thought that the fact the game always ends on a round win is way better than the current EU rules. Would love to see this implemented in EU.



I like that if you fall behind you don’t have to rush things to much and be pressured by the clock, but I don’t like the one map a week as much…but I could live without it.






I personally enjoyed spectating it. It makes for closer games in a sense, since rounds aren’t sort of throwable as they are with a windifference. Consider a 4-3 lead on a team, and that team is holding the enemy second. The defending team cant just sort of forfeit the round, they have to try to push if they want to win it. Also the halftime seems to give teams a moment to discuss whats going wrong etc, allowing for more comebacks. The whole matchpoint thing in general is nice. It’s sort of like a guaranteed golden cap every game, since that last round is really intense.



Quoted from Rake

Also the halftime seems to give teams a moment to discuss whats going wrong etc, allowing for more comebacks.

‘so you don’t have to lie and say you have mouse lag like ipz’ – Admirable


I saw it coming. But yea, tried it on today and it wasn’t bad. Good for comeback tho.


From a spectator’s point of view, one criticism of it is that if the match ends up in a close score like 4-4 or 4-3 quite quickly, you don’t really want it to end when the score reaches 5-4 or maybe 5-3.

I was wondering what the effect of this combination would be:

mp_winlimit 5
mp_windifference 3

So that a game wouldn’t end at 5-4 or 5-3, but would at 5-2, 5-1 or 5-0. However I don’t know if the server tests for both conditions to be reached, or just one. It has to be the former for it to work.


I think we shouldn’t venture into it anymore unless we got the appropriate infrastructure to do so.

And that means a server plugin that swaps teams and automates the process, also that doesn’t mess up the logs.

Other than that couldn’t really see any issue with it. But this should definitly be worked on


(Legendary Ratehacks)

pretty easy way to create hype during casts etc after rewatching the vods of teamfortress.tv
i think its a great idea to introduce this ruleset from a spectators point of view

from a players perspective it was fine aswell, half time pause good to get shit sorted etc,
some kind of client would be helpful though


Haven’t played it myself but it was fun to watch although best of 3 maps can be a very long time. Oh wait, do the janks even play 3 maps? I’m confused.

The logs need also to get fixed since switching teams after half seems to mess it up a bit.


(ETF2L Donator)


does someone have the SizzlingMatches Plugin or is in touch with SizzlingCalamari, to maybe get a hold of it for testing?


(ETF2L Donator)

It was fun at all, even if i think the eu rules are fine as well.
also it will be impossible then to make a comeback if your oponents scored the 5th point…i like this windifference of 5 more than the winlimit of 5



Seems good, but I agree that until you have a plugin you should be nice to logs nerds and not make teams swap colours (slight map asymmetries – who cares?), and simply pause the game at halftime rather than have winlimit 3.



A plugin would be nice, I agree. Also, it makes scheduling a pain because a map can last anywhere from 10 minutes to 75 minutes, including delays.

I do believe the more exciting matches make up for it, though.



Quoted from Hildreth

I like that if you fall behind you don’t have to rush things to much and be pressured by the clock, but I don’t like the one map a week as much…but I could live without it.

Americans play 2 maps a week – just on different days. This also means everyone plays everyone twice (I think? – can’t remember exactly).

Quoted from Kaneco

I think we shouldn’t venture into it anymore unless we got the appropriate infrastructure to do so.

And that means a server plugin that swaps teams and automates the process, also that doesn’t mess up the logs.

Other than that couldn’t really see any issue with it. But this should definitly be worked on

The only problem with logs is the score gets messed up but this is hardly worth writing a plugin for.

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