ESAGamer Launch
Created 6th June 2013 @ 20:18
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Any chance someone could do live updates in this or another thread of all the results? I’m at work until 6cest and i would appreciate it :3
idk how well the Esa website works on mobiles, whereas etf2l works fine :)
Last edited by Enef,
i could post results if there’s time between rounds
Quoted from ilike2spin
i could post results if there’s time between rounds
that would be awesome spinny<3
It doesn't have to be anything special just basic team x-x team :)
Edit: its now that i realise that if i had stayed home and played and come in the top 16 and my team gave me all the money, i would earn more than what i’ll earn working today by £4. ;-;
Last edited by Enef,
Really cool tournament btw. Top work. Should do this every week.
Last edited by fraac,
Quoted from fraac
Really cool tournament btw. Top work. Should do this every week.
Well, that is the plan. We might just calculate with a bit less time for the first rounds as most of the matches are over after 20 minutes.
We are now entering the quarter finals, the fixtures are:
Zaibatsu vs Revoluzion la Metagame
SOLAR vs Team Poland
Epsilon eSports 5 vs 0 WebOne
4/25 (russian mixteam) 0 vs 5 broder
TeamFortress.TV and VanillaTV are still going strong!
Zaibatsu vs broder going live any minute
SOLAR is currently tied 3-3 with Epsilon
VanillaTV are still going strong!
Quoted from CanFo
Well, that is the plan. We might just calculate with a bit less time for the first rounds as most of the matches are over after 20 minutes.We are now entering the quarter finals, the fixtures are:
Zaibatsu vs Revoluzion la Metagame
SOLAR vs Team Poland
Epsilon eSports 5 vs 0 WebOne
4/25 (russian mixteam) 0 vs 5 broderTeamFortress.TV and VanillaTV are still going strong!
so does that mean that the next tournaments will start later?
I still feel like you could do this like other “one day” cups and have the brackets on one day and thr quarter finals onwards another day.
Quoted from Enef
I still feel like you could do this like other “one day” cups and have the brackets on one day and thr quarter finals onwards another day.
It’s a shame having the 2 halves fucks up the logs – has ESA looked at developing a server plugin? Maybe steal ESEA’s? >:D
Quoted from taro
It’s a shame having the 2 halves fucks up the logs – has ESA looked at developing a server plugin? Maybe steal ESEA’s? >:D
We stole it but then it started bitmining our dedi ;-D (only joking…)
I hope for the site that bugs won’t appear again for the next cups. Not being in the bracket because of a button malfunction is disappointing.
I hope for the site that bugs won’t appear again for the next cups. Not being in the bracket because of a button malfunction is disappointing.
Ye that is unfortunate, I think in general the cup ran pretty smoothly though and the site bugs should be ironed out for the next one, I suppose it happens a times especially on the first run through.
Big commendation to the admins and the casting orgs who made this feel like a real spectacle, please keep these events coming!
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