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Valve to develop in-game competitive lobby system?

Created 4th June 2013 @ 04:22

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I think that as long as it brings new players into ETF2L and other leagues then I’m happy with it. More players = bigger league = more fun. As long as we’re not being dicks to the new guys this lobby will lead to the growth of the TF2 scene.


Quoted from Switch

I think that as long as it brings new players into ETF2L and other leagues then I’m happy with it. More players = bigger league = more fun. As long as we’re not being dicks to the new guys this lobby will lead to the growth of the TF2 scene.

Spike Himself


too bad they want to support the shitty game mode

and other quotes along these lines

Be glad they are supporting anything at all.

Throw shit at this and Valve will simply go back to not caring (why should they care?)

Welcome this with open arms and support it as much as you can, and who knows what the future will bring.



People complaining about HL support make me cringe…


Quoted from Setlet

I have 5 item bans? I’ll just ban every sniper rifle and booyah, sniper is useless.

I’m liking this idea.




Great move, wayyyyyy to late to have any real effect on TF2 becoming an ‘esport’ but it’s a guarantee the HL scene will grow after this, no doubt.

Valve really couldn’t give a rat’s ass about 6’s unfortunately, but times may change, who knows.


My only problem with this atm is that

Part of the reason for the system is that it gives Valve much better feedback on which weapons need rebalancing. Currently their only sources are SPUF, Reddit and other forum threads.

Why not look towards the leagues that have been around for years for this information?



ofc valve wont use a whitelist for their own matchmaking system because it would prove how overpowered the banned weapons are



Quoted from emb

I can’t imagine how the item pick system could be used to provide any useful balance data.

The item pick system allows them to get data on what weapons are/aren’t being used without them having to lift so much as a finger. By looking at what items are/aren’t used they can get a much better insight as to what weapons are stupidly OP (Are banned) What weapons are reasonably well balanced (are allowed and used regularly) and what weapons are under powered (are allowed but aren’t used much if at all).

It won’t give them data straight away as to what is overpowered, why its overpowered and how they can fix it. But from this data they can try out different things on the beta servers.



Quoted from Fallen


The item pick system allows them to get data on what weapons are/aren’t being used without them having to lift so much as a finger. By looking at what items are/aren’t used they can get a much better insight as to what weapons are stupidly OP (Are banned) What weapons are reasonably well balanced (are allowed and used regularly) and what weapons are under powered (are allowed but aren’t used much if at all).

It won’t give them data straight away as to what is overpowered, why its overpowered and how they can fix it. But from this data they can try out different things on the beta servers.

But the thing is that most of the players who will use this system are not that good at playing. Sure, call it elitism, but everyone who actually knows how to play 9v9 doesn’t agree with stuff like degreaser/wrangler/gunslinger being op, whereas pubbers and div6 players will overwhelm the bans with stuff they don’t like to play against that they consider op



keep dreaming
valve is 2busy with dota2

Spike Himself


Quoted from Muuki


But the thing is that most of the players who will use this system are not that good at playing. Sure, call it elitism, but everyone who actually knows how to play 9v9 doesn’t agree with stuff like degreaser/wrangler/gunslinger being op, whereas pubbers and div6 players will overwhelm the bans with stuff they don’t like to play against that they consider op

That doesn’t matter.

Both teams agree, beforehand, what items they allow eachother.

it doesn’t matter if they are OP, annoying, pointless, whatever..

Yes, a few teams may allow eachother completely broken weapons. In the long run, in the grand scheme of things, ie statistically, you will see these weapons banned in 90% of the cases – and that is exactly what Valve will see.

A long long time ago, ETF2L considered adopting a similar system (teams pick/ban weapons), but it’d be impossible for us to police. If it’s built into the game itself, that becomes a different story entirely.



Quoted from Spike Himself


That doesn’t matter.

Both teams agree, beforehand, what items they allow eachother.

it doesn’t matter if they are OP, annoying, pointless, whatever..

Yes, a few teams may allow eachother completely broken weapons. In the long run, in the grand scheme of things, ie statistically, you will see these weapons banned in 90% of the cases – and that is exactly what Valve will see.

A long long time ago, ETF2L considered adopting a similar system (teams pick/ban weapons), but it’d be impossible for us to police. If it’s built into the game itself, that becomes a different story entirely.

That does matter, they will start rebalancing weapons that aren’t broken because they will keep getting banned by the majority of the community, it’s what read in the stuff written by Robin Walker. Of course bad and good teams will ban stuff like pomson and retarded shit like that, but the majority of bad teams will ban stuff like Wrangler, then it will get rebalanced and 9v9 becomes even more unorganized and less skill based than what it currently is

Last edited by Muuki,

Spike Himself


Quoted from Muuki


That does matter, they will start rebalancing weapons that aren’t broken because they will keep getting banned by the majority of the community

If weapons continuously get banned by the majority of the community, maybe they are broken.

The point I’m making though is that weapons that aren’t broken won’t be banned (much).

Also: If wrangler is so strong, why ban it? You remove it from your own team too by doing so..



Quoted from Spike Himself

Also: If wrangler is so strong, why ban it? You remove it from your own team too by doing so..

I won’t ban it, the shitters will ban it, valve will take records from everyone aka both me and the shitters, they will outvote me because they are many, valve will listen to them because all they care about is pub and hats, highlander will become shit, I will stop playing tf2 completely and switch to some game that doesn’t get completely fucked with every update that happens, everyone lives a happy life ever after (apart from me)

Have you ever read any balance threads in SPUF or UGC Forums?

Last edited by Muuki,

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