TF2 Lobby
Created 3rd June 2013 @ 19:17
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Didn’t know where to put this so sry if it’s ot.
Basically I just wanted to ask wtf the attitude on TF2 Lobby is about? Just trying to get some casual 6v6 action going on after ~2years of inactivity, and all I’m finding is I’m getting kicked from every lobby before I’m even able to choose a team or class, apparently cause I don’t have 12831 games with 107% reliability. When did tf2lobby become such hot shit that everyone cares that much about who they play with, I remember when it first started out most people ridiculed it as a “scrubbier” version of mpuktf2.pickup.
So just a few questions:
1) How to avoid getting kicked, obv can’t up my stats if noone ever let’s me play.
2) If tf2lobby still doesn’t matter (I’m assuming it does for casual 6v6 purposes since the irc pickup channel seems pretty dead), where can I actually find some random 6v6 matches (don’t really have the time to commit to a fixed team).
3) Does the TF2 community still want TF2 to matter in the esports scene, like they did 3 years ago? If yes, this is the best way to avoid becoming that :D or for EU pugs
edit: ninja’d
Last edited by basshead,
Well that was fast, ty <3
edit: that was fast
Last edited by Python,
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