Need some help with TF2.
Created 29th May 2013 @ 17:40
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When I get into a server, it’s minimode 0 and I do not see my guns. Then, I get this in console: Missing Vgui material vgui /.. / hud / tournament_panel_blue_bg C. Someone who can help me?
Quoted from iidon
When I get into a server, it’s minimode 0 and I do not see my guns. Then, I get this in console: Missing Vgui material vgui /.. / hud / tournament_panel_blue_bg C. Someone who can help me?
Minimode is irrelevant for viewmodels AFAIK
Check the r_drawviewmodels and viewmodels_fov values
Also. You should probably do a check if you installed the hud correctly, if you have a custom one that is
then verify the game data
Last edited by Kvux,
Quoted from Kvux
Minimode is irrelevant for viewmodels AFAIK
Check the r_drawviewmodels and viewmodels_fov values
Also. You should probably do a check if you installed the hud correctly, if you have a custom one that is
then verify the game data
It was r_drawviewmodels was wrong. Then a bit of config. Thanks so much for your help :)
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