The Openplugin VAC Wave
Created 18th May 2013 @ 22:15
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so there are more than 3?
You can still use the plugin while watching demos, right? It would only be illegal once you go onto a VAC secure server, correct?
Quoted from Beater
Run for your freedom openplugin users the cops are cumming.
Quoted from Beater
You can still use the plugin while watching demos, right? It would only be illegal once you go onto a VAC secure server, correct?
IIRC VAC is only operating on servers with VAC meaning that if you’re viewing demos, are in the main menu or STV you should be safe. Someone can probably confirm this.
Quoted from Crafz
Run for your freedom openplugin users the cops are cumming.
you must honestly just be mentally disabled or something
Quoted from unu
IIRC VAC is only operating on servers with VAC meaning that if you’re viewing demos, are in the main menu or STV you should be safe. Someone can probably confirm this.
As long as you are viewing the demo in the main menu and not in a VAC secured server.
Quoted from Link!
you must honestly just be mentally disabled or something
wat meinste? hä? wer must hiea wat?
Quoted from Crafz
Run for your freedom openplugin users the cops are cumming.
il·le·gal (-lgl)
1. Prohibited by law.
2. Prohibited by official rules: an illegal pass in football
3. Unacceptable to or not performable by a computer: an illegal operation
Note how the word “illegal” doesn’t necessarily involve law or police.
Quoted from Spike Himself
Note how the word “illegal” doesn’t necessarily involve law or police.
Hmm, learned something new today. In German illegal(exact same word) just means prohibited by law.
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