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Mentor for div 6 or 5 teams or medics

Created 18th April 2013 @ 08:27

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Hi, my name is Monkeh, (well, not really, that would be weird), and I have been playing TF2 competitively for a long time. I have over 130 6v6 officials to my name and countless pcws, pugs and mixes.

I’ve played my way up from div 7 and am currently pcw’ing div 2 teams with my lovely Scandinavian space coffee friends, (We’re doing OK, thanks for asking), plus I’ve been main calling for…like…forever.

I would like to help out any div 6 or 5 teams or medics ‘cos I think it would be fun and a nice thing to do.

Will be happy to sit in spec and watch some games, review stv’s and maybe even play with you if you like as well.

We also have a nifty mumble relay bot so you can come and watch us play on stv and listen to our comms in real time as well, which might be a handy exercise for any new or newish team.

So yeah, add me on steam and we can have a chat about trying to make YOU better.

Last edited by Monkeh,



I need a mentor because im bad



Getting picked up by a div 3 team suggests you aint doing that bad…

If you’re serious then hit me up and I’ll come spec a game or two. You already on my friends list.



Stop being so helpful, Monkeh; can’t be good having so much help coming from one person.

Anyway, any div 6 or 5 medics reading this post, you should pick up monkeh’s help. New teams/players generally don’t improve that well due to chaos revolving around maincalling and a plan. An experienced medic can make all the difference



I was kidding ofc, but gl with this project, I support :)



How will them listening to our calls help Monkeh? “Push chicken!”



Chicken is an important part of that particular map. Very important. I love chicken.


So, ermm, nobody? Not one div 6 or 5 team or medic thinks they could learn anything off of me? Well…..now…it’s…..me and my…..I HATE YOU ALL!

*crys in corner

Seriously though, anyone want to add me and get something going then I am still available.



Just host some more Newbie mixes in the IDK newbie mix group Monkeh! :D



I might just do that Screamie. A few poor saps have now asked for some Monktoring so I may not get the time but we’ll see how it goes.



I’ve got a div 6 pile ‘o crap who could do with someone who knows what they’re doing.

Note: We’re not that crap really

Note 2: We’re just new :3 (so basically we’re crap)



Droidster, you need to play more. You’ve played like twice. Use greenbin’s team as regular opponents.

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