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numlocked's ETF2L Season 14 Grand Final map 1 demo review

Created 5th April 2013 @ 17:00

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(king of all rollouts)

Hi there,

I decided to do a review of both my own and Epsilon’s play as a whole on the first map of the recent final. I’d really appreciate both feedback and to even just have people watch it. I’m planning to do more of the other 2 maps, I just don’t know when yet.

Apologies for the quality, I did this live and my internet sucks balls.

Follow me on Twitch so you can join in whilst live and ask me any questions about the game in review.

link to the review: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbD8yse2m0M

and yes, it really took me 80 minutes to review a 30 minute game..

Last edited by numlocked,



Nice effort and really helpful, keep those coming :)


worst tf2 player i have ever seen. would not watch again


Thanks, good to see this, missed the stream. Wp btw was great game to watch



“Here I should hit the medic”
“Fuck this medic”
“I should really try hitting medics”


nice insights indeed :)

Especially explaining why and what went wrong is very good – keep those coming!



I actually find it very interesting to see the thought process that goes into everything, not just the positioning of opponents but also how you aim your stickies in a split second, most Demoman including myself don’t put as much thought into where we place our stickies, occasionally I will put one in a certain place at a seconds notice to try and read what their scout will do but not in the way you used your stickies to separate players and prevent them being helped, I might do it occasionally but it certainly isn’t anything I think about when I aim stickies.

Good stuff, you seemed a tad….ANGRY at every failed push. :D:D

If Epsilon show this passion at i49 and fix the mistakes, it will make this community very proud of you.



Quoted from WOODY[

worst tf2 player i have ever seen. would not watch again

<3 seb


(king of all rollouts)

thanks for the feedback so far. one thing I want to ask about is the length of this review – 80 minutes for a 30minute game is incredibly long.. did anybody actually watch the entire thing? was it far too long? should I try keep it to 30minutes? personally, I think to go into as much detail as I did I need to pause it a lot, so long reviews are bound to happen, but I dunno what you guys watching would prefer.



Honestly if it’s going to be useful for anyone it will stay this length. I watched the whole thing personally and if people want to actually get anything good from a review like this that they wouldn’t get from another person pointing out very basic flaws that other people would notice anyway, then they’ll do the same imo.


I honeslty didn’t care about the length, was great for me 2 watch and learnt a lot. The references to comms were also very helpfull. I honestly can’t think of anything more for you to do in these. Just things like trying to get through your analyse quicker and not get sidetracked but even then the stuff you sidetrack on is useful and interesting and its hard 2 chang the way you think when analysing something. That’s all.



fuck hildreth



Quoted from Marshy

its hard 2 chang the way you think




Replaced my nightly episode of Prison Break. You should feel honoured.


I liked the thought process behind sticky placements and the predict plays based on enemy placement. However there were a fair few minutes wasted on pausing the demo and tallying up the damages done, which pretty much is of no value to the viewer.

A simple “did a fuckton of damage to both sollies” woulda sufficed.

Almost watched the whole thing though, good job :p

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