New players to play comp!
Created 3rd April 2013 @ 14:06
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Draw a 6v6 guide with MLP characters, attract reddit audience.
Highlander has bought in more 6v6 players than anything else, after about 1-2 years, lot of people who swore to me they’d not get into 6v6 after doing Highlander ETF2L HCC or UGC, or CommFT are playing it more and more.
I see lot of cynical attitudes to Highlander here and laugh, some of you have no idea the amount of good it has done for 6v6, it has exposed high level 6v6 to a whole new audience, especially when players like Kaidus make the switch to the format, they want to see more of him.
And ask mentioned by Skyride, posting on that part of Reddit is like going into a Synagogue and shouting “Seig Heil”.
Quoted from Hildreth
And ask mentioned by Skyride, posting on that part of Reddit is like going into a Synagogue and shouting “Seig Heil”.
Damnit Hildreth, not even the 2nd page and you’ve already invoked Godwin’s law.
Quoted from Skyride
Don’t bitch about highlander
I didn’t even do that. Reddit is treating me like the devil himself right now. I’m starting to wonder why I bothered trying to do anything at all, wow :s
Quoted from Spike Himself
I didn’t even do that. Reddit is treating me like the devil himself right now. I’m starting to wonder why I bothered trying to do anything at all, wow :s
Jij bent Job Cohen die net heeft thee gedronken met een of andere radicale imam en je gaat in debat met Geert Wilders.
Quoted from Spike Himself
I’m starting to wonder why I bothered trying to do anything at all, wow :s
reddit is like the antichrist of competitive tf2, every time i’ve been on there there’s always a 6 year old whining about why he cant wm1 with pyro in competitive
Every now and then I post a comment taking the piss out of highlander, spies or pyros just for shits and giggles.
Quoted from Spike Himself
I didn’t even do that. Reddit is treating me like the devil himself right now. I’m starting to wonder why I bothered trying to do anything at all, wow :s
Well to be honest.. you didn’t really do anything at all with this any way. Like what were you trying to achieve with this? To me it seems it wouldn’t really have done anything anyway even if you didn’t piss off HL players. It just pointless altogeather.
Quoted from Limp.
Well to be honest.. you didn’t really do anything at all with this any way. Like what were you trying to achieve with this? To me it seems it wouldn’t really have done anything anyway even if you didn’t piss off HL players. It just pointless altogeather.
Did you even read it? :/
I’ve summarised a thread because a summary is easier to read than a whole thread.
People had excuses like “i’m not good enough for comp” which is obviously not how it works, so I tried to point that out. Went fine the first time. Second time; drama everywhere.
Never mind though, I learned my lesson. I won’t bother with reddit again :P
Last edited by Spike Himself,
Quoted from Spike Himself
Did you even read it? :/
I’ve summarised a thread because a summary is easier to read than a whole thread.
People had excuses like “i’m not good enough for comp” which is obviously not how it works, so I tried to point that out. Went fine the first time. Second time; drama everywhere.
Yh but what you ever trying to achieve with it? I dont understand the whole point of it. Why would you wanna know someone’s excuse/reason to not play comp in first place?
To give an counter argument and lower the step to start playing comp? Some nobody telling people that their whatever reason/excuse is invalid? What would you expect happen?
Last edited by Limp.,
Quoted from Limp.
To give an counter argument and lower the step to start playing comp? Some nobody telling people that their whatever reason/excuse is invalid? What would you expect happen?
To be fair I made the same thread before in /r/tf2, but I worded it a little differently. I just wanted to get a pulse on why most people weren’t, since it’s a more direct question. The bottom line was that most of them had just never tried it, either because they didn’t know how/where to or because they just, well, hadn’t.
Quoted from Hildreth
Highlander has bought in more 6v6 players than anything else, after about 1-2 years, lot of people who swore to me they’d not get into 6v6 after doing Highlander ETF2L HCC or UGC, or CommFT are playing it more and more.
I’m a total noob to the competitive scene (Div 6 HL – serious shit) and have begun in HL because team availability was a little greater and started playing 6s (medic/pocket preferred) almost immediately after a few HL matches.
From my perspective, reddit is an agreeable supplement to my tf2 experience as it aggregates everything neatly and although have a lot of the events listed, I mainly use reddit as a calendar with arguments.
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