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New players to play comp!

Created 3rd April 2013 @ 14:06

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Spike Himself


never mind :)

Last edited by Spike Himself,



Excellent example of “How to piss off as many potential highlander players as possible”.

Spike Himself


So it appears. I didn’t know reddit was this deep inside HL’s arse.



well it’s the only format you can main pyro in



If Season 15 receives abnormally low signups, we’ll know whom to blame.



Reddits gone up in my opinion kittens and now highlander :D


UbeR |

Quoted from herpderp

Excellent example of “How to piss off as many potential highlander players as possible”.

Says the nerd that says highlander is dead…. GG elekneus :D



Why on earth do you guys post this stuff in /r/truetf2? That sub has almost 1/15th of the viewership of /r/tf2 and pretty much consists of div49 UGC players, low level hl players and people who think that pinnacle of competitive Team Fotress 2 is top fragging a tf2lobby.

I made a post pretty much exactly like that a couple of weeks before i46, got to the top of the sub. The general response was about 50/50 between “I don’t think it’s for me” and “I don’t know how to get into it”. Unfortunately most of them were NA and this before the NA newbie mixes existed.

Spike Himself


Quoted from Skyride

Why on earth do you guys post this stuff in /r/truetf2?

Where then? /r/tf2 is for dead horse beating meme attempts..

Quoted from Skyride

div49 UGC players, low level hl players and people who think that pinnacle of competitive Team Fotress 2 is top fragging a tf2lobby.

If anything, I’d say that’s the perfect reason to post it exactly there. If they are as clueless as you say then at least any “help” won’t go to waste (as opposed to posting on the etf2l forums where everyone already thinks they know everything, for example)

Last edited by Spike Himself,



Didn’t know HL players took such pride in their silly little gamemode.



Telling someone that your way is ‘the real one’ or ‘the only way you should do things’ never ever works out. Especially on the Internet.
Congratulations, TF2 is dead. Oh wait, no it isn’t, what about highlander?

Last edited by freshmeatt,



Quoted from Spike Himself


Where then? /r/tf2 is for dead horse beating meme attempts..


If anything, I’d say that’s the perfect reason to post it exactly there. If they are as clueless as you say then at least any “help” won’t go to waste (as opposed to posting on the etf2l forums where everyone already thinks they know everything, for example)

I agree that most of the people on r/tf2 aren’t likely to start playing competitive. But there are almost 100,000 subs, and many more lurkers who are unaccounted for. Among those, there must be some people who would be interested in competitive, but either don’t know of it’s existence, or don’t know enough about it to be interested. What have you got to lose by posting a similar question on there?



I’d say that for most people in the bracket, there’s a bigger gap to bridge than people who’ve just never tried competitive TF2.

Like take the average reader of /r/tf2. Probably just a normal gamer that happens to like tf2 a bit more than other games. They don’t have any real endearment to a way of playing the game, they don’t have information floating around their head that is innaccurate/wrong. They are a blank slate.

“Hey i’ve got this thing here I think you might want to check it out?”
“yes sure!/nah don’t think it’s for me”

There, cool. You’ve either gained a new person you can show the game to, or you’ve very quickly worked out that person isn’t interested, while leaving them with a good impression if they ever change their mind and somewhere to go if/when they do.

“hey i’ve got this thing here, it’s much better than your thing there”

That’s a much more difficult pitch to make, and you’re making it to wayyyyyy smaller number people.

The way to grow 6v6 is to promote it to people who’ve never heard of competitive tf2 at all in an unrelentingly positive way. Don’t bitch about highlander (but don’t be afraid to give your opinion in a tactful manner if asked). Just keep doing more events, more discussion, more casts, more streams, etc,,, but most importantly get people talking about it on places other than etf2l and tf.tv.



Quoted from kKaltUu


Says the nerd that says highlander is dead…. GG elekneus :D

Hey kakkatoe, leg die joint neer, ik heb nooit gezegd dat HL dood is. Alleen dat het me niet boeit als gamemode.

Oh and what Skyride said is pretty much all +1.

Last edited by herpderp,



Are there not leagues in SA and South America (Argentina and Brazil)? I’m sure i’ve seen frags from teams in those countries in the old extv plays of the month.

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