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I really need help guys!!! :*(

Created 19th March 2009 @ 02:30

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Ok so im at uni (started last sept) and iv only recently decided that i want to start playing pickups and stuff again so i plug my cable into the router/modem they’ve got here and i get this really weird connection to server problem. Im living off campus so i presume its just standard broadband/buisness broadband, and they use Netgear equipment.

So here’s the problem: Most of the time i cant join a lot of servers, what happeneds is, i click join, the server loading screen gets stuck on two bars for aaaaages, then about 5 mins later i actually get into the server, once im in i usually have a ping between 2000-4000, but it doesn’t fluxuate, it just sticks at one specific ping. This appears to be really random, because one hour i’ll have no problems with a certain server, and the next, i get this really weird problem.

It cant have anything to do with people downloading (i imagine) becuase, for example: When i join server A it works perfectly, theres no ping problems or lag spikes. When i try and join server B a few seconds later i get this weird problem, then if i join server A straight after that its fine again.

This has been really frustrating because tonight i connected to a pickup server to test it out and it worked fine, then i went to see a mate for a while, then i came back and it was fucked =[.

Other internet related things that might help resolve this issue includes:
-Being able to download files from places like Filefront and megupload are really quick (500kb/s) but i rarely see steam get above 5kb/s when downloading.

Any sort of help into resloving this problem would be greatly appreciated! <3
(If anyone finds out how to get this working perfect gets a free pint at LAN! :D)



do u disconnect from the modem/router between changing servers? because port forwarding may not be setup properly and each time u disconnect you may be assigned a different ip.. or something

I mean, on my router, i have to specify what ports are open for each ip! Not sure how it is on your netgear router though….

Do you have access to it by any chance ?
You could try set it up so that u have a static ip from router and put that ip in DMZ.
Worth a try i guess.


Nah, i dont disconnect between changing servers, but is it possible for it to renew the ip every few hours or so? Also is there a way to find out if my if my ip is changing? If so i could just ask the techies at the uni to make it static.

EDIT: *Frustration* In the space of ten minutes iv gone from being able to access servers 1,3,4,5,6,7 on mpuk pickup to just 4,5 and 7 -_-


RaWr ::

Sounds like your uni is using sonicwalls to port forward/trigger, they can be set up to automatically block ports if and when they’re being used. The downloading via websites will always be good as they’re usually default ports and open by default. Your best bet is to take some example ips to your ict department, explain the situation.


Before trying to join a server, try to type in console:

clientport 27006

Then if you join an other one, change clientport to 27007 and type net_start again. An other one, do 27008, etc..

I got a problem, it is that when I join a server it’s fine, but if I try an other one then I got huge packet loss, and if I change the clientport it works fine again. I used to not be able to connect to servers at all (stuck on connecting) and had to change clientport a lot too.


Thanks AnAkIn i’ll try this asap

EDIT: Doesnt work =[

This is what i was going to ask you about before Wlv =]. I think seeing the techies is probably my best bet.

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