All UGC HL EU Platinum official match logs from S9 in one spreadsheet
Created 7th March 2013 @ 15:10
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Quoted from Black_Bob
Looking at the american one they have auto filters at the top to make it easy to select only the information you would like to see e.g all heavies.
Yeah, RawrSpoon’s is a lot better than mine, and I hope to improve it and get it more in line with his, at least in terms of utility; I just have very little experience with google docs, so I have no idea *how to actually do this*.
Quoted from Limp.
I call massive inaccuracy on some of the statiscis due incompleat logs, offclassing etc.
Yes, completely, I agree! Is the thread that I made on the UGC forum about it where I do go in to some of the errors in the data. I’m well aware of these, and have probably thought about them more than anyone else =) But as I said above I’m not that familiar with google docs, and tbh spreadsheets are really not the easiest way of manipulating the data.
Anyway, it’s a bit pernickity to fix the data each week, but I might do it at the end of the season if people are interested/have time.
Of course, if your damage stats are borked due to a lack of supplemental stats plugins on your server, you should probably fix that ; )
I talked to RawrSpoon, who produced the American version, and sorted a few things out. Turns out that I was linking the wrong thing. How very embarrassing. Anyway, the above link should now give you a version with useful filters and colours for the totals pages. I think the map pages need fixing still, and I’ll do that at some stage.
Great for UGC plat, awesome job!
Quoted from Bulow
Of course, if your damage stats are borked due to a lack of supplemental stats plugins on your server, you should probably fix that ; )
That should be fixed :), though still doesnt count that theres been people playing different classes on some games so its inaccurate when it say some on is demo and have been playing also heavy or soldier whos also played medic etc.
Quoted from Limp.
That should be fixed :), though still doesnt count that theres been people playing different classes on some games so its inaccurate when it say some on is demo and have been playing also heavy or soldier whos also played medic etc.
Of course, but sadly there is no easy way for me to split them out. Just consider the listed classes as ‘suggestions’ haha. It should also be noted that the vast majority of players have only been on one class this season; there will always be a few lumpy bits of data that don’t quite fit.
Just a quick update that there is a new system now where you can just upload logs into the system and everything is automatic. The new system is in The original link in the post has been updated.
Last edited by Lazybear,
I’ll continue to collect the logs and put them in the format that Roman Anderson needs for the tool to work, but I don’t think I will be updating the spreadsheet any more.
Edit: Which means that if you find any problems, you shouldn’t complain to me! I’m fairly certain that things like hpm and damage per minute have been adjusted for incomplete logs too.
Last edited by Bulow,
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