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HL rec posts

Created 6th March 2013 @ 05:53

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Hello, lovely people.

Lately, whenever I notice a highlander rec post I notice that the person who is looking for a team is writing down how many hours had played as certain class in a certain game-mode – pubs, lobbies etc. Can you explain this trend and why do highlander people care about how many hours you have played tf2 and not how good you actually are?

As I understand the logic behind it, the more hours, the better the player, but that means that most of my division 5 Lithuanian friends are good. Oh wait.

So, what’s up with that?


Never thought about it like that but yeah, now that you mention it..



Probably 1) because a lot of the people who look for hl teams are new to the competitive scene, so they just put what they think is important in the rec posts 2) people who main non comp classes are usually pubstars, and the amount of hours you play there is usually a good indication of how good you are on pub servers, I guess.


Quoted from Linus

Probably 1) because a lot of the people who look for hl teams are new to the competitive scene, so they just put what they think is important in the rec posts 2) people who main non comp classes are usually pubstars, and the amount of hours you play there is usually a good indication of how good you are on pub servers, I guess.

http://imgur.com/UtxxKQn explain me this, then. I know, he lists his experience, but he also lists how many hours he played. If he has experience he wouldn’t be listing the hours as they mean literally jack shit, in my opinion. Pub is not a place where you learn to play any competitive mode. It’s where you learn the basics of the game, everything else comes from playing with your team or mixing with friends, talking about competitive.



If you’re looking for your first highlander team, you don’t really have much to list in your application besides hours played. Only once you’ve set your foot in the door, you can start to compare yourself against other players and get an idea of what being a “div5 spy” means.



What Emb and Linus have said. Perhaps because so many new players post recruitment posts, the idea of including your hours has become ingrained. Social conditioning, innit.


UbeR |

Players are trying to validate their right or possibilities to enter a certain division. Listing # of hours might give them the edge over someone else. It’s the same on job applications.

At least I know I’ll be putting up that I managed to get ubered by Bulow and he still managed to die during the uber.



Quoted from kKaltUu

At least I know I’ll be putting up that I managed to get ubered by Bulow and he still managed to die during the uber.

T-that probably never happened! =C



Quoted from rviens


http://imgur.com/UtxxKQn explain me this, then. I know, he lists his experience, but he also lists how many hours he played. If he has experience he wouldn’t be listing the hours as they mean literally jack shit, in my opinion. Pub is not a place where you learn to play any competitive mode. It’s where you learn the basics of the game, everything else comes from playing with your team or mixing with friends, talking about competitive.


Spike Himself


Quoted from rviens


http://imgur.com/UtxxKQn explain me this, then. I know, he lists his experience, but he also lists how many hours he played. If he has experience he wouldn’t be listing the hours as they mean literally jack shit, in my opinion. Pub is not a place where you learn to play any competitive mode. It’s where you learn the basics of the game, everything else comes from playing with your team or mixing with friends, talking about competitive.

I think the part of that recruitment that needs fixing more so than listing one’s amount of hours played is the sudden jump from Div 3 to Prem.



a bit off-topic maybe, but ETF2L should have a seperate section for highlander recruitment and 6v6 recruitment, or at least put a filter for 6v6/9v9


Quoted from Spike Himself


I think the part of that recruitment that needs fixing more so than listing one’s amount of hours played is the sudden jump from Div 3 to Prem.

What made him THINK that he is capable of playing that level, though? Was it his experience as a pyro in division3 or was it that he played a lot of hours of the game.

For new players, sure, you can consider writing down your game time, etc. but how come 6v6 new players don’t have that problem? Every time I check a division 6 post I can see information clearly listed. For example listing things that actually matter in the game, like how often can the person play, is the person open to criticism and listing your experience (doesn’t matter how little of it) in 6v6, like lobbies and so on. Why can’t the highlander players just list the same things? There are plenty of highlander lobbies, pugs (well, not plenty) where you can test your skills as a certain class and ask for people’s opinions.

My point is, that just because you played the game for a long time doesn’t mean you are good at it. That’s like counter-strike, if I were to count all the hours I played non-steam counter-strike in internet cafes and when I was younger, I would be considered a professional. How long you have played is not a factor into which a forming team should look into, when searching for a gamer.

Last edited by rviens,



Quoted from SorroW

a bit off-topic maybe, but ETF2L should have a seperate section for highlander recruitment and 6v6 recruitment, or at least put a filter for 6v6/9v9

yes but according to their most common excuse there’s more important stuff on etf2l’s todo list

Quoted from rviens


What made him THINK that he is capable of playing that level, though? Was it his experience as a pyro in division3 or was it that he played a lot of hours of the game.

the fact that he merced for/against prem teams

Last edited by quintosh,



Quoted from rviens


For new players, sure, you can consider writing down your game time, etc. but how come 6v6 new players don’t have that problem? Every time I check a division 6 post I can see information clearly listed. For example listing things that actually matter in the game, like how often can the person play, is the person open to criticism and listing your experience (doesn’t matter how little of it) in 6v6, like lobbies and so on. Why can’t the highlander players just list the same things? There are plenty of highlander lobbies, pugs (well, not plenty) where you can test your skills as a certain class and ask for people’s opinions.

There has been 14 seasons of 6 vs 6 and the skill levels are very clearly defined now, there has only been 3 seasons of etf2l highlander over a very long spread out period of time.

There are also two very separate communities competing in the same league in highlander, there are the grass root highlander teams who only play 9 vs 9 every evening in a small pool of teams and players who have established their own view of skill levels, there is also etf2l’s home grown 6 vs 6 players who are having a go at highlander and assume their div should just carry across to highlander.

Until highlander establishes itself and gets played more by a wider base of players only then will the skill levels stabilize and people will be able to make accurate recruitment posts. But until then there will still be people taking wild guess as to what skill level they are, look at ugc http://www.ugcleague.com/rankings_tf2h_all.cfm and you will see how even with massive groups it is very hard to separate skill levels except for a few at the top and bottom of each group.

Last edited by Black_Bob,



Quoted from quintosh


yes but according to their most common excuse there’s more important stuff on etf2l’s todo list

The Recruitment section cannot be extended without a complete rewrite. It’s not a matter of “just adding a checkbox”.

I’m happy to say that this rewrite is pretty high on our priority list, though. It’s just a pretty mean amount of work to do in one’s free time.

Last edited by emb,

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