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UGC Euro Platinum - Hajdzik POV

Created 23rd February 2013 @ 06:20

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Hajdzik POV of EU Platinum #1

Interviev with Flood was mentioned to be hosted on polish site about TF2 and Max-Play portal. But I decided to make it more worldwide. I asked Flood about differences between ETF2L and UGC, about current season and future of Higlander.

Hajdzik: Hello, first of all can you introduce yourself and your team to our readers. Where are you from? When did you start playing Team Fortress 2, and when did you decide to create your team?

Flood: Hi, I’m Flood, I’m from England and I run the highlander team Fair Enough, I can usually be found playing either medic or engineer for the team, although I like to try and play all the classes as effectively as I can, to try to make me more useful. Also I am currently a mentor in the reddit round robin tournament. I started playing TF2 a while ago when I was introduced to it by a friend. I started playing on a toyfort server which was based in England, whilst there I mainly liked playing soldier and demoman. It was a while after this that I started getting more into competitive TF2. I started the team Fair Enough after an older team that I ran folded. We had a few people from that team who wanted to carry on with competitive so we started the Team Fair Enough, registered on ETF2L 24/10/12, we all had good fun together and unfortunately some of those guys have been playing less and less tf2, but we kept the Fair Enough name going.

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It’s site like pastebin so don’t worry.



Nice work, I enjoyed reading this. Will you be doing any more?



Yes sure, I was planning to write 1-2 times in 2 weeks, if you want too participate just write me, and I can prepare some questions.


Flood is a very wise man ,just listen to his voice , he can convince you to join the army.

Last edited by onv,

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