VanillaTF2 Streams
Created 22nd February 2013 @ 18:41
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Yo so this has been bothering me for a while.
Right now VTF2 has the streams thing. It’s on ETF2L and /r/tf2 as well, I think it’s pretty good. But I’m not totally happy and had a couple of ideas. I’m pretty indifferent on them, see what you guys think.
1) Leave it as it is.
2) Subdivide into “Casting Orgs”, Competitive Players and Community Players (catchier name suggestions Welcome).
3) Merge it with TF.TV’s stream list so that VTF2/etc is just mirroring’s stream list and linking to their site.
Quoted from Skyride
Yo so this has been bothering me for a while.
Right now VTF2 has the streams thing. It’s on ETF2L and /r/tf2 as well, I think it’s pretty good. But I’m not totally happy and had a couple of ideas. I’m pretty indifferent on them, see what you guys think.
1) Leave it as it is.
2) Subdivide into “Casting Orgs”, Competitive Players and Community Players (catchier name suggestions Welcome).
3) Merge it with TF.TV’s stream list so that VTF2/etc is just mirroring’s stream list and linking to their site.
No real need to split it up, into comp/pub players. May want to split it into a kind of ‘VanillaTV Picks’ or something and have the ‘more regarded’ streams in there such as VTV, TF.TV and some of the pig pub streamers (STAR etc).
As for 3, there is no real reason to do this. It just seems like you want to start merging VTV and TF.TV and this is how you thought you could start the process off. But maybe that’s just how my cynical mind sees it.
Quoted from Skyride
Yo so this has been bothering me for a while.
Right now VTF2 has the streams thing. It’s on ETF2L and /r/tf2 as well, I think it’s pretty good. But I’m not totally happy and had a couple of ideas. I’m pretty indifferent on them, see what you guys think.
1) Leave it as it is.
2) Subdivide into “Casting Orgs”, Competitive Players and Community Players (catchier name suggestions Welcome).
There’s not that many streams usually, so simply sorting by position+amount of viewers is fine for the VTF2 stream list.
Quoted from Skyride
3) Merge it with TF.TV’s stream list so that VTF2/etc is just mirroring’s stream list and linking to their site.
I see what you did there, TRAITOR!
Should merge it with tftvs. At any given time TFTV has double to triple the amount of streams listed.
Last edited by kaidus,
no fatzo fatties plz k thx bai
Exactly what everyone else is saying. Hidden agenda. Leave it as it is thanks.
Last edited by AcidReniX,
And Skyride, didn’t you leave already?
What was the epic long goodbye post all about?
It’s actually mostly for that. Handling the stream list is a surprisingly large amount of hassle (that I don’t mind doing if people really do want VTF2 to maintain it’s own stream list).
Thing is, if you look at TF.TV they have a LOT of streams VTF2 doesn’t and it’d be daft to sit and copy them regularly. When I started it in the first place, “what’s wrong with” was a pretty widely held opinion too.
Quoted from AcidReniX
Exactly what everyone else is saying. Hidden agenda. Leave it as it is thanks.
omg hidden agenda by arx!
vanillatf2 isnt part of etf2l nor is teamfortresstv there is no reason why we cant have a normal discussion about a change
Quoted from lexs
omg hidden agenda by arx!
vanillatf2 isnt part of etf2l nor is teamfortresstv there is no reason why we cant have a normal discussion about a change
Now this did make smile,
Do you think Arx has a hidden agenda? I guess his massive posts talking about everthing under the sun must show this! Though i know his hidden agenda for tonight was to go swimming after eating nandos with me….the swine!
Last edited by beta,
Quoted from lexs
omg hidden agenda by arx!
vanillatf2 isnt part of etf2l nor is teamfortresstv there is no reason why we cant have a normal discussion about a change
Just in case it isn’t clear enough [/sarcasm]
Last edited by Trell,
everybody is nice and friendly on a happy and relaxed friday night
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