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CC vs Epsilon on VanillaTV.org

Created 21st February 2013 @ 14:39

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RaWr ::

Europe’s premier casting organisation presents you with yet another epic battle of the titans!

Week 5 of the ETF2L Season 14 sees last seasons top two teams battle it out, and while this isn’t the Grand Final of the premier league this time, don’t be fooled into thinking it will not be just as intense.

The action is set to begin from 21:00 cet tonight, casted by Arx and Beta, so tune in at http://vanillatv.org or come chat in #vanillatv on Quakenet IRC.

Full article: http://www.vanillatf2.org/2013/02/etf2l-season-14-premiership-week-5-epsilon-esports-vs-crack-clan/




I thought teamfortress.tv was going to cast it… Is there something between you two, people, public isn’t aware of? :)


They both will cast it. Don’t think they’re hating each other or anything, just a “competition” like McDonalds vs Burger King.

Last edited by Koala,


Quoted from Clark

I thought teamfortress.tv was going to cast it… Is there something between you two, people, public isn’t aware of? :)

some casters/streamers/pr and programming ppl org hopped from vanilla to tf.tv… some ppl buthurtt about it and some, just trying…as doks said..to compete (personally im not sure whats the competition but w/e)

Last edited by AnimaL,



Imma gonna set up a stream comparing the two streams and casting about the casts for you all to compare so you tune in to the best one for your tastes.

Find me at tf2castersmightneedtogrowupabit.org

WTF is this hippy peace crap?

They do hate each other to the guts. Last night I heard Byte sent a bullet in an envelope to Enigma. BetArx also reported some weird things happening in their casting studio, apparently someone took a dump below their desks and judging by the color of the poop – it was an American poop!


This is war people, when will you understand it?



Quoted from Clark

I thought teamfortress.tv was going to cast it… Is there something between you two, people, public isn’t aware of? :)

One year from now there will be 50 streams with 5 viewers each.


RaWr ::

Eh? They are casting, we are casting, this is just an announcement post. Obviously it was needed as the first response didn’t know we were casting it.



Quoted from Monkeh

Find me at tf2castersmightneedtogrowupabit.org

How so?


(Toucan Ambassador)

Also tune in here for equality!



Quoted from Arie


One year from now there will be 50 streams with 5 viewers each.

There will be one with 3000, a couple with 500, and 50 with 5.



Quoted from fraac


There will be one with 3000, a couple with 500, and 50 with 5.

I would be OK with that.


Quoted from Monkeh

Imma gonna set up a stream comparing the two streams and casting about the casts for you all to compare so you tune in to the best one for your tastes.

Find me at tf2castersmightneedtogrowupabit.org

i actually looked it up in a hope to find an article :(

VanillaTV VODs:


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