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Mumble Server for keys

Created 11th February 2013 @ 00:47

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Im not offering a channel in a mumble server, but instead a own mumble server with administrative rights.



Anyone who wants a channel in our mumble can have full admin rights for the channel, we just make them ‘channel owner’ and it’s all good.

Keys for mumble is just a silly idea when us, TC, FB, tB and probably others will gladly give anyone who asks all the mumble they could want..

Give up already.


RaWr ::

Wow, no need to shoot him down. He’s offering a very valid service, offering an alternative payment method, that could address some problems that people have with getting their own mumble server…

Not everyone wants a channel in someone elses mumble, regardless if you have the same features as having admin rights in a channel.

Sure, by all means mention that you’re going to give people free channel, but stop making him look like he’s doing bad by the community for offering a paid service.



Quoted from Monkeh

Anyone who wants a channel in our mumble can have full admin rights for the channel, we just make them ‘channel owner’ and it’s all good.

Keys for mumble is just a silly idea when us, TC, FB, tB and probably others will gladly give anyone who asks all the mumble they could want..

Give up already.




Yeah well, I’m ill and in work and feeling sorry for myself. FEEL MY WRATH!!!!!



That’s quite expensive. My 20 slot server was £8.40 for 6 months, and I’ve had 0 downtime so far, and I’ve just had a look at multiplay’s prices and it works out even cheaper at £1.10 a month, albeit for a quality of service which in my experience isn’t worth the trouble.

idk, considering at steam marketplace prices you’re charging £5.58 a month for 20 slots this seems like a bit of a racket, but if people are too lazy to shop around and want to pay that much then milk them dry, fair play to you.

Spike Himself


Quoted from flocke0

Im not offering a channel in a mumble server, but instead a own mumble server with administrative rights.

The point I was making was that it’s cruel to ask money at all for mumble. It costs nothing to run; the program itself is free and running it barely uses any system resources.

Besides, what difference does it make whether your server has one or more channels that may or may not be used by other teams?

On the TC mumble you get full admin to your channel too if you so wish.



Quoted from AcidReniX

Wow, no need to shoot him down. He’s offering a very valid service, offering an alternative payment method, that could address some problems that people have with getting their own mumble server…

Not everyone wants a channel in someone elses mumble, regardless if you have the same features as having admin rights in a channel.

Sure, by all means mention that you’re going to give people free channel, but stop making him look like he’s doing bad by the community for offering a paid service.

lol, a valid service? making profit from renting a server for keys. not only is this very shady but it is also probably illegal



Quoted from ondkaja

[…]lol, a valid service? making profit from renting a server for keys. not only is this very shady but it is also probably illegal

Do you know what Steam Market is? Get your facts straight before you start shutting down whatever idea that doesn’t suit your point of view.



Quoted from freshmeatt

Do you know what Steam Market is? Get your facts straight before you start shutting down whatever idea that doesn’t suit your point of view.

You might want to check the providers ToS unless youre home-hosting.



Quoted from freshmeatt

Do you know what Steam Market is? Get your facts straight before you start shutting down whatever idea that doesn’t suit your point of view.

what does steam market has to do with any of this? you can sell virtual items for steam credit, thats all.. not rent a server.


Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to this free mumble fakkelbrigade.eu pw:thebrigade



Quoted from freshmeatt

Do you know what Steam Market is? Get your facts straight before you start shutting down whatever idea that doesn’t suit your point of view.

Lending out a server second hand to make profit without permission from the original hoster? I’m just saying that this is shady and probably illegal, not to mention really fucking expensive. If you’re stupid enough to still go for this deal then be my guest. Apparently having a bit of intelligence and common sense is not a requirement for being an official ETF2L news writer.


ETF2L also has a 1000 slot mumble thats free for any team use

Contact an admin in irc to get the details, and to help set up your channels etc. :3



Quoted from AcidReniX

Wow, no need to shoot him down. He’s offering a very valid service, offering an alternative payment method, that could address some problems that people have with getting their own mumble server…

Not everyone wants a channel in someone elses mumble, regardless if you have the same features as having admin rights in a channel.

Sure, by all means mention that you’re going to give people free channel, but stop making him look like he’s doing bad by the community for offering a paid service.

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