TF2 team looking for multigaming organization
Created 9th January 2013 @ 14:45
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Young team looking for some love! <3
trolling bunnies, fits ur div
You’ll need to approach some MGOs yourself, I doubt that any MGO runs through this forum looking for teams to sponsor, esp lower div teams – apart from TC etc.
Ok thanks for reply, i have no idea how shit works :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Well, shit is a swear word used to describe faeces. It appears periodically, squeezed from the anus of many a mammal at regular intervals. It is the unused remains of an animals consumption and often smells bad. Not sure it ‘works’ as such, but without it we’d all be huge rolling balls of rotting ex food stuffs.
Hope this helps and good luck.
Quoted from ash
apart from TC etc.
Don’t ask TC please. We’ll let people know on this forum if we have spots.
Last edited by TurboTabs,
Quoted from Monkeh
Well, shit is a swear word used to describe faeces. It appears periodically, squeezed from the anus of many a mammal at regular intervals. It is the unused remains of an animals consumption and often smells bad. Not sure it ‘works’ as such, but without it we’d all be huge rolling balls of rotting ex food stuffs.
Hope this helps and good luck.
I am curious, this shit we’re speaking of. Do Lizards, Birds, Fish etc all also produce it or is it a particularly noxious mamalian trait?
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