What's the deal with mann up?
Created 3rd January 2013 @ 13:41
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Seriously, I’ve spent the last two hours playing mann up on advanced mode and I haven’t run into one single decent.
The average class combination was 3 heavy and 2 pyros. And they dont know how to play at all, you can school them sometimes but mostly they don’t listen.
I mean why do you pay for a tour ticket and go to advanced mode when you don’t have a clue how to play? Go to bootcamp please.
End rant.
Last edited by jens14,
What’s mann up?
You are basically complaining that people are playing what they want on a pub and that they are not very good.
Welcome to online gaming.
The only real problem with Mann Up mode is that the Valve servers are atrocious and you have to play on them.
why complain if you know you gonna play with random shitnerds?
fk logic
What’s up with all the negative comments?
Get 4-5 people from your friendslist and make your own party. That’s how MannUp is fun. Talk strategies and classes. You could also set up a thread (maybe there even is one on this page already) to get people from ETF2L in a party
I personally got bored of playing it, it’s too repetitive for my taste, but I can see where you’re coming from.
Just get a few decent people to play with, I’m aware that Tikcus (he’s registered on ETF2L) plays a lot of MVM. Add him on Steam, tell him I sent you, him and two other guys team up a lot on Mann Up, so if you play any decent, you guys should get along.
Also, to any admin potentially banning me for referring somebody to Tikcus, I know I deserved it.
Problem is you need to actually buy the tickets to play it. I’m not sure how many of my friends are willing to do that.
TF2 is dead. RIP
looks like I’m more lucky then – completed several tours already.
Well granted if I’m with an not-so-competent bunch I leave right after the first round and try my luck again
However it’s quite simple when you get it once, which is also the problem – one tactic to rule them all. :(
Last edited by Netsky,
Quoted from Dr Icecream
Also, to any admin potentially banning me for referring somebody to Tikcus, I know I deserved it.
It’s their funeral :>
Quoted from jens14
Problem is you need to actually buy the tickets to play it. I’m not sure how many of my friends are willing to do that.
I don’t see why you come to ETF2L to rant about is.
Quoted from Russian Guyovich
The only real problem with Mann Up mode is that the Valve servers are atrocious and you have to play on them.
i think the problem is in mvm itself, not the servers… ive never seen servers that dont lag on mvm, even if i host them on my quad core i5 and play on laptop :D
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